About the ‘500,000 Global Friends of Wales’ Campaign

Are you one of the 26 million people with family or ancestral connections to Wales? Maybe you were born in Wales, have lived, worked or studied in Wales or you have simply always felt an affinity with Wales and its culture? Perhaps you’re even curious about studying, working or living in Wales? Wales101, in association with Cymru Wales, are building a global network to help Welsh communities, businesses, heritage groups and tourism and culture initiatives to harness their global friends of Wales. Hear more about the campaign from the First Minister of Wales, Mark Drakeford, in his 2022 Wales101 Saint David’s Day message below. Simply add your email address below to join and we’ll keep you connected to the global Welsh community.

Question of the day

We're creating tools for Global Welsh families to connect with each other and their culture. Please rate your top 3 favourite content features that you would like to see us build.

A message from Welsh First Minister Mark Drakeford

Join the ‘500,000 Global Friends of Wales’ Campaign



Patricia Jones

Hi! My name is Patricia Jones, I'm actually 56 years old, I was born and live in Costa Rica. My dad, Charles Edward Jones McCartney was born in Yonkers, New York in 1902 and passed in 1992. His parents, my granny's names are Edward Jones and Jessie McCartney they both were born in pretty sharp 1868 in Ireland ????, this I know because my dad's birth certificate says that the both were 34 years old when my dad was born. All the story that I know is that 2 brothers Charles and Edward travel with Jessie overseas to New York on the same ship, the 3, pioneers new Irish settlers in New York. Jessie married Edward and they had a son (my dad) and a daughter (I don't know her name, she was a nurse and didn't come back home after she served in probably the First World War) I understand my grandparents never returned to Ireland, and my dad even when traveled and lived in various different countries of the world didn't returned to home land Ireland. I would love to connect to any of my Jones family, I dream in my heart to visit and stay in Ireland and get to know my Irish ancestry and family anytime soon! Please any encouragement, insight and information is kindly welcomed. 

Michael David Keith Roger

My name is Michael Rogers and I'm looking for where my Rogers ancestors are from. I can only get back to my 4x great grand father and they all seem to be from Middle Georgia USA as far back as I can find.  My Great Grand fathers name was Freddie Rogers 8/14/1936 . He had a twin brother named Eddie Rogers. Freddie and Eddie lived around Macon County and Sumpter County Georgia. Andersonville. Their fathers name was Vasco Rogers 1910-1997, preceded by Jerry Patric Rogers 1887-1954, preceded by James M Rogers 1863-1931, proceeded by Mathew Rogers Unknown. They all seemed to reside around Taylor County Georgia near Cedar Creek but I can't find anything beyond Mathew Rogers. Anyone have anything that might help me? 


The Davis family from Cork city, Cork. Ancestors of John Francis Davis, the mason who contributed in the building of the monument of the Patriots (National Monument) in Grand Parade, Cork. Family emigrated to both USA and England. Sadly no one left that they know in Ireland. 

William Shaw

My Great Great Grandmother Eliza Jane Jones was sent to Tasmania in 1851 for lighting a barn on fire! 

Dylan Phillips

Hello from Missouri. Sir John Phillips is my 13th Great Grandfather. 


Paternal DNA places my ancestry in Llangadwaladr/Bodowen/Bodorgan in Anglesey where I am related to both the Owen and Meyrick families.?
My ancestors have been traced, through genealogical records, back to John Owens who may have been born around 1700, may have been the ancestor who emigrated from the UK, and lived in Isle of Wight, Virginia, by the time his son, also named John, was born in 1732. From there, the emigrated to eastern NC, Edgecombe County, where some of their dependents still live and own portions of the original land grant. 

I'd like to fill in the family story between Anglesley, Wales, and Isle of Wight, Va. ?



Hello! My name is Anthony Morris. I have traced my geneology back to Wales to my 10th great-grandfather, William Morris of Tintern (1575 – 1630). My 6th great-grandfather Lewis Morris (1726 – 1798) was a signer of the Declaration of Independence.

Michael Griffin

My Griffith family is from Royal House of Dinefwr of Kingdom of Deheubarth by Rhys ap Tewdr and Lord Rhys ap Gruffydd, and Rhys Grys, Rhys Mitchell, Rhys Fycan and Rhys Wyndod (Goch) who was forced by Edward I to go to Cefn Amwlch Estate, Penllech, Llyn Walesand on the Stone gate is the Dinefwr Coat of Arms for the Griffiths there. Griffin is from 1727 Will of John Griffeth and wife with Griffen from North Carolina - We are in Irwin/Berrien/Thomas county Gerogia now with DF63-R-FT30001 y-Dna


Hi all,

 only found out my family was from Connacht/Mayo when I did an ancestry DNA test.
 Since discovered it was my grt grt grandparents in the Famine.
 It would explain my grandfather being famous for singing Danny boy, being Catholic and being called Shaun ???????????



My mother's father, Howell Brinley Pugh, was born in Port Talbot in 1897. He was brought to the U.S. as a boy in 1903. They settled in Morgantown, West Virginia, where he met my grandmother, Elvira Williams. They had three daughters. He died in 1959.

Michael Bennett

Hello all.   A real puzzler for my genealogy:    My great grandfather Barney Bennett was from "Irish Canada" according to the 1910 USA Census, in Louisiana.   He showed up in rural Louisiana in aroun 1900-1903, and his gravemarker says he was born in 1867.   

My own DNA test (from Ancestry)? shows that I have a relatively large Irish connection, and recently, Ancestry has added that it all comes from Munster.   
I would love to see if any Bennett ancestor here is related to me, as it would open up the ability to solve our family mystery.
Thanks in advance!??


Lavinia Lee McKinney

I have not been able to find my Lee family outside of the US.DNA did not help at all.Supposedly from Ireland,Scotland,England?any help or ideas on how to locate ancestors?

Michael Roach

Hello my name is Michael Roach and I am looking for long lost family/ cousins in Wales and Ireland that might share the same sur name as me or have Family relations with the same last name. I currently live in the Salt Lake Valley of Utah and have been doing some genealogy with my Mom. Our Family has been living in the America’s since the late 1600’s when Francis Roach sailed from Bristol England to the Virginia Colonies.  We think his father was Nicholas Roach and they lived in Bristington. My parents did the 23 and me and discovered that most of our DNA is from Ireland and Wales. So I am curious if we have any long lost family. Please send me a message or email me at (michaelroach456@gmail.com) . Thanks for your patients,  I hope to hear from someone soon.


David Vaughan

My name is David Vaughan, son of Reynaldo Vaughan. I have 3 brothers, James, Robert and Jacob Vaughan. Our grandfather (my Dad's father) was Joseph Vaughan. We live in San Antonio, TX. My father told us that his grandfather, whose name I don't know, owned silver mines down in Mexico somewhere. That is the extent of the knowledge that I have regarding our last name, Vaughan. 


My g g grand parents were Patrick Mannix and Ellen Hughes; both born in Ireland.  Their marriage license shows Patrick Hughes as Ellen's father.  They married in 1872 in Ballinrobe Parish in Co Mayo.  They migrated after their marriage (but before their daughter was born in 1877) to Liverpool.  According to the 1911 Liverpool census, Ellen bore 9 children, 6 of whom were still living.  I have only identified 7 children (2 of whom died very young) and the other 5 were on the 1891 and1901 censuses (censi?). Her brother, Michael Hughes, and his wife, Bridget, (they also married in Ballinrobe) and their son Patrick, immigrated to Liverpool before 1881 (as they are listed on that year's Liverpool Census).    Ellen was from Clooncormack (County Mayo)  I'm here in Texas and have been since 1968 (my dad was in the US Air Force and my mom is a Liverpudlian).Maybe we can find out more about the Hughes clan and share info!

David Owens

Hello family! My name is David Owens, I am from Baltimore Maryland. Owens family from southern Maryland, Annapolis, West River. In search of links to Welsh origins. Thank you!


Hi from New Zealand. My Dad was a Leonard from Swansea who came out to NZ with his Father William Brindley and Mother Edith and brother Ronald in 1924.  I found the naes James and Margaret Leonard when clearing out the family home after my parents had passed this started my search. I have been able to go back to my 4th great grandparents. It looks like the family were mainly ships captains and carpenters.


Those in Ireland surnamed MARREN and MARRON began their time in the Emerald Isle with the surname of HARRIS. Their origins were as Brythonic Celts (a.k.a. Britons), hailing from what is now the English side of the Welsh border, near the castle town of Chepstow, Wales. They came to Ireland as paid mercenary archers in the service of the Norman adventurer, Richard de Clare, 2nd Earl of Pembroke, a.k.a. Strongbow. 


Like so many of the “Normans” who settled in Ireland in the late 1100's, the Harris's were not Normans, per se, but English-speaking Celtic Britons from the Welsh border region, who also likely possessed a share of Anglo-Saxon ancestry in their DNA background as well.  They were the Celts who in previous centuries were Romanised, civilised and Latin speaking, the same breed of Celts of which came Saint Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland.


Britons from the Welsh Marches (The Welsh border area of England) were well-regarded for their skills with a crossbow.  Thus, they were often used as "hired guns" to supplement most of the armies of Western Europe at that time. Their adeptness at archery is attributed to two reasons. The first being that since they hailed from a volatile border region perpetually at war, there was a sense of constant danger from invasion by Welsh marauders. Consequently, archery practice was mandatory, twice per day, six days a week for every adult male. Secondly, there is a unique branch of Yew tree indigenous to the Welsh Marches, the wood of which could be crafted into an especially lightweight yet tense bow, capable of launching arrows at a considerable distance and with high accuracy. 


Meanwhile, in the last quarter of the Twelfth Century there was clan unrest in neighbouring Ireland.  A dispute grew over the years between the McMurrough’s, Chiefs of Leinster at the time, and the O’Rourke’s of neighbouring Meath.  For years each leader of their respected clan claimed the title of High King of Ireland.  A subsequent argument over a women turned this quarrel over kingship into outright warfare.  The O’Rourke’s secured the support of the powerful O’Connor clan of Connaught, leaving McMurrough outgunned and outnumbered.


Consequently, McMurrough sought assistance from Norman mercenaries in England and Wales.  de Clare made a financial agreement to assist the McMurrough Clan of Leinster in their war with the O'Rourke's and O'Connor’s.  de Clare hired hundreds of skilled bowmen like the original Marren ancestor, Mr Harris. Mr Harris may have had the first name Walter, or have been the son of a Walter Harris, as there are strong genetic links between those surnamed Marren, Marron and Harris with others bearing the last names: Waters, Watters, Watts, Watkins and Watson, all of which mean "son of Walter." Indeed, the genetic codes are so similar, geneticists believe there is a family link to Marren's (as well as those who spell the name Marron) and those bearing the surnames Waters, Watts, Watkins, etc in Ireland and in the Welsh Marches today. Other family names bearing genetic links to the Marren/Marron, Waters/Watters/Watkins/Watts and Harris surnames are Frain/Freyne and McGivney/Givney in Ireland, as well as Autry, Norton and Crowe usually found in the Harris family point of origin in the Welsh Marches, the South West of England and in South Wales today.  


English-speaking Britons served in what would be similar to the enlisted ranks of the Norman armies, while French-speaking descendants of actual Normans would have been the nobility who made up the “Officer Corps,” riding on horseback. McMurrough's gamble was successful in the fact that by hiring the Normans under de Clare, this led his clan to win the war for Leinster over O'Rourke and O'Connor. However, McMurrough paid a high price. Much of the most fertile farmland in McMurrough territory in what is now known today as counties Wexford, Waterford and Carlow was carved up and given over to the Norman mercenaries as tribute. 


Based on their rank every officer and enlisted man was given a certain amount of arable land. Records of the time indicate the original Mr Harris, an archer, received a small plot of land for his service, upriver from Enniscorthy in County Wexford. It was near the Carlow border, in the Norman territory controlled by the noble Prendergast family.  Today that plot of land is near the town of Bunclody, County Wexford. Till this day the surname Harris remains prominent in that region, as also does the family names Waters and Watts who share similar DNA. 


As the centuries passed, the Normans and native Irish Gaels intermarried. They learned to live together as neighbours and see themselves all as one Irish people. Indeed, it is said that the Normans became so Hibernicised they eventually became "more Irish than the Irish." It was some two-hundred years after their arrival that one of the descendants of the original Mr Harris, the Twelfth Century mercenary archer, a male heir was born around 1400 AD.  His name was Mearan Harris. He was named after the Irish saint born in 565 AD, Saint Mirin of Bangor, Ulster. St Mirin, along with St Columba helped to convert the Scots to Christianity.


Sometime in the mid-1400s Mearan Harris led a large band of his extended family including those named Waters/Watters/Watts, (Mc)Givney and Frain/Freyne on a resettlement journey from County Wexford, where the Harris family served under the Prendergast's, to County Louth/County Monaghan border area.  It was there that they would now oblige themselves to another Norman family, the Taaffe's. This journey northward from Wexford was so celebrated that sometime in the late 1400’s a branch of Mearan Harris' descendants changed their surname in his honour to O'Mearain. Many of these same descendants still reside in the Monaghan, Louth and Armagh area, where they today spell their surname, Marron.


In 1610 a branch of these O'Mearain's were once again on the march.  This time, however, they moved westward under the oblige of one of the lesser Taaffe nobles who acquired a large area of territory from the O’Hara clan.  This land acquisition was located in the southern reaches of County Sligo. An O'Mearain and his extended family, including some of the Waters/Watters/Watts, Frain and (Mc)Givney cousins also accompanied the Marren’s.  They were led by Jasper Brett, Lord Taaffe's man charged with scouting the newly gained land for the Taaffe family. It was here the O'Mearain family settled permanently in County Sligo. Thus, the surname Marren (spelled MarrEn, not MarrOn) is now associated with the border areas of Sligo and northern Mayo, where it is almost exclusively found today.  The surnames Waters/Watters/Watts, Frain and (Mc)Givney are also found abundantly in this area.


There were several other families with Norman histories and ties to the Taaffe’s who accompanied the Marren’s and Jaspar Brett on this journey from Monaghan and Louth to South Sligo.  They included those surnamed Stenson, Cooke, Jones and Maye, to name a few.  These surnames  are also common in the South Sligo border area near County Mayo, where they’re often found till this day.


Linda Messina Holda

Hello from Florida...My grandmother, Helen Phillips, was born in Chicago in 1896...We thought her Phillips family had German roots, but that was wrong... tbc

Linda Messina Holda

part 2 Here is my PHILLIPS tree:  my grand mother
Helen (Lena) * (born Phillips)" Stapke & Keefe,  1896  Chicago - Chicago 1963 
William * Arthur Jr. Phillips g-gf her father 1867 Ottawa Canada - Chicago 1959
William * Phillips, Sr., gg-gf his father,  Guelph Ontario  1848 - Chicago 1901
James * Phillips Jr., 5g his father, Lanlivery, Cornwall 1806   died in Liskeard, Cornwall 1871
James * Phillips Sr., 6g his father,   Truro, Cornwall 1780 -1869
Joseph * Phillips, 7g his father,  Truro,  Cornwall, 1755 -1832
John * II Phillips, 8g his father  St, Erth Cornwall 1708 -1767

John * [1st] Phillips, 9g 1665 Phillack, Cornwall, England 1730 (at age ?~65?) St Erth, Cornwall, England


Stephen E Owens

Looking for Owens family members in the North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, Texas and Illinois states. Of particular interest to me are Owens ancestors in Eastern Tennessee (Joseph Owens), Western North Carolina (Thomas Owens) and Central (?) Virginia (William Owens). I have some family rumors about my G3Grandfather Joseph but very little prooven information. Any help in these areas will be greatly appreciated. Would also like to connect with my South Eastern Illinois and Texas relatives from this branch.?



Mychele Owens Mccall Chri

Stephen, I may have the information about the Owens family from Western NC. My father is part of this family line. 

Cassidy Bond

Hey my name is Cassidy Bond. I'm a part of the Rogers clan from Donegal, Ireland. My 3rd great grandfather Robert Rogers Sr.(1825-1890) came over to America in 1829 with his parents William Rogers (1788-1832) & wife Margaret Crawford (1783-1872) and their 7 childern. I have got to stuck point on ancestry with William's father Joseph Rogers (1760-1829) & wife Margaretta Rogers (unknown). If anyone could help me that would be great. Thank you

Patricia A Evans

My ancestor Archie Roberts emigrated with other Welsh settlers in 1749 to Virginia; he had at least three sons, Nathan, Issac, and Daniel.  I would do appreciate seeing how to find out more about his story. 

Gilly M Mills

My grandmother was Georgina Wynne who was born in Eniskillen 1n 1875 and married Henry Compton, whom she met in (then) Rangoon, Burma where she was a nurse. They subsequently moved to Calcutta, India, where Henry was harbour master.  They had two sons, John Francis (Jack) who was my father and Ronald. Both sons returned to England for their education and my father carried on the family naval tradition during World War 11 as a lieutenant commander.

I would love to hear from any members of the Irish branch of the family who can shed light on my grandmother's ancestry?


Brian John Roach

I am a decendant of Maurice Roach, born County Kilkenny 1834, died Welland County, Ontario, Canada 1893.  Arrived at Montreal early 1850's.  Looking for any information of his family that remained in Ireland.

Kyle Hughes


I have tracked my family down to Hugh Herbert Hughes out of Leitrim County Ireland and migrated to Wallumbilla in Queensland ?



Katherine Short

I have just found out that our earliest ancestor to come to NZ (in 1846) was Henry George Harris, b1807 Killucan, County Westmeath, Ireland. I'm keen to find out if we can go any further back, find his parents etc?

Maureen Vigrass Maguire

My great grandmother was Anna Maria Howell, born August 30, 1798 in Bristol. Her parents (Lord and Lady Howell - Henry and Anna Maria, cousins who married) died. Her guardian, Dr. Thomas Rolph, brought her to Canada in early 1800s.  She married Patick Ryan in 1815, in Charlottville, near London, Ontario, Canada. She died in Parry Sound District in 1871.

Jackie Volbrecht

Hello! My father's name was James Bowen, they had always told us we were 100% Irish!  When I did ancestry.com I found out we are in fact some Irish but a larger percent is Welsh.  So, I'm beginning to search my welsh parts.

I am certainly planning a trip someday to see the origin of my wonderful family.  As far as famous there really are non that I am aware of, but we did have some outlaws in our family during the cowboys days.  I'm so excited to get to know you all.?


Sandra Bowen

Hi.. My name is Sandra Bowen. I am trying to find any BOWEN'S who are related to FREDRICK GEORGE BOWEN (my grandad ) and RONALD GEORGE BOWEN (my dad)  ... Would love to hear from anyone related to these wonderful people , BOTH SADLY PASSED , xx

Sandra ( Sandy ) Bowen

Hi... Trying to find anyone connected to my dad RONALD GEORGE BOWEN , my grandad FREDRICK GEORGE BOWEN , if anyone on her is connected to them please i would love to hear from you xx


I am a Phillips by birth, Stevens by marriage. I am in Dallas, Texas. I have located my Phillips line in Carmarthenshire, Wales. Others all over England.....they seemed to do the walk about thing


My mother's surname is Pritchard. She does not know much about her father other than he was supposedly adopted and served in the US Navy in the 1930's-40's and his name was Marvin Pritchard. I helped her do a DNA test which showed she was half Irish. When I searched for Irish Pritchard, this group came up. I know this is a long shot, but I am trying to find any possible way to connect my family or find out where our family came from.

BJ (Wilgus) Larmouth

My grandmother was Evelyn Ada Morgan (1914 - 1997), daughter of Samuel William Morgan (1878-1941) & Minnie Ffoulkes of San Francisco. I was able to find Samuel's parents, Burns Morgan (1838-1897) & Eliza Coulter & Burns' parents, Francis (1811) & Mary Morgan. Before that, Francis' father was Francis Morgan (1774-1843). That is as far as I can find, though. Any ideas on where I can look further?  Thanks!

Dennis Parry

My Parrys come from the Whitford area of North Wales. They were stone masons in the 1770s. Some went on to become printers/publishers, publicans and grocers  



Sandra BOWEN

Hi , i am teying to find any BOWEN LINE who have , RONALD GEORGE BOWEN , GEORGE WILLIAM FREDRICK BOWEN , RICHARD BOWEN AND THOMAS BOWEN , in their BOWEN line , would love to hear from any BOWEN LINE who have these people in their line xx

Robert James

I am Robert Henry James; My ancestors were Irish. Is there any website to trace ancestors/dates; etc?

Peters Jones

Peters (Pete) Perry Jones (all three are family names) New Hampshire, USA from long line of New Hampshire Joneses. My son and Grandsons and Granddaughter also live here in Concord NH 03303, USA. My first son has his family in Connecticut where his business (a brewery) exists. My tree can be found in JONESGEDCOM20121228 in ancestry.com. My mother was a Hanson, which also has a very interesting history. The Hanson Name is a very YOUNG name, quite the opposite of the Jones name. Pete Jones, peterspjones03303@yahoo.com 21 Metalak Dr. Concord NH 03303 USA

Pat Finlay

My grandmother's (Kathleen Lilian  Urbasch) mother was Magdalena Vaughan, whose grandfather (John Joseph Vaughan) was an 1820 Settler in South Africa. His father was Michael Vaughan who married Margaret Bracken in Dublin (?). My grandmother used to tell me that her ancestors were originally Welsh and Irish. 

I am looking for further information on the Vaughan family.?
She also spoke of Galway.?





Damiën Peters

My Peters family is from Gelderland, The Netherlands and i found out the my nineth generation Peters grandfather 'Henricus' derived from Ireland, his father 'Michael', they are from Fitzwilliam Square, i think from Wicklow around the year 1700.

Phillip Lee

My Family comes from Cavan my grandfather was the youngest of 7 all his brothers & sisters emigrated to USA only one brother returned and died in Ireland all contact has been lost with any potential relatives we may have across US. Would love to make contact with some of these distance cousins & relatives & trace back there's & my own family history when they left Ireland. 

Michelle Gauthier Roberts

I am researching my husband's Roberts family. His great-great-grandfather, John Roberts (1840-1896) lived in Newfoundland. I am looking for any connection (parents/wife/children/siblings/birth certificate/immigration record). Thanks.

Ann Harrington

Hello fellow Rogers Clan. My name is Ann and my Mother was Margaret Ann Rogers. She was born in 1923 in Scottville Mason County Michigan. Her father was born in 1880 in Watford Lambton County Ontario Canada. His name was John William Rogers. His father, born in Longford County Ireland around 1850. His parents, I think, are Hugh Rogers and Mary Barden from Derrynaskea Twp Kilcommock Parish near Moydow and Kenagh in County Longford Ireland. This is where I am stuck at the moment. Hopeful of finding siblings and aunts and uncles, grandparents of John Rogers; possibly William J Rogers. I live in Melbourne, Australia. Below is a photo of Jack (John William Rogers) my Grandfather (far left) his brother Fred and sisters Anne, Molly (Mary) and Kitty (Catherine). I don't have photos of John Rogers and his wife Bridget Ann Roche.

Noelle Rice

in 1781 William Brice Rice left Ireland to travel on a ship to the port of New York.  By the time he reached port they were down to their last sea biscuit and were all ill and starving.  A kind family in NYC nursed him back to health.  He left Ireland mainly because he was from a family of linenweavers but didn't like the trade.  He wanted to be a farmer.  His dream came true.  He moved to Virginia which became West Virginia, married and built a log cabin and they had 21 children - of which only 7 survived to adulthood.  He died in 1856 at the age of 96 years old.   indicated  in 

Danny Hopkins

I'm from New Zealand, but my decendants came from the Ballycasle area. A lot of that family moved to Glasgow in the late 1800's where they appear to have worked in ship building on the Clyde. My father was a Boilermaker/Welder and made the move to New Zealand in 1952, hence the NZ arm of the clan.

James Moyer

Thomas Evans (my great x 4 grandfather)

Arrival date in US: 15 June 1864

Age 45 (b. circa 1819)

Port of Departure: Liverpool, England (and Queenstown, England)

Arrival: New York (Castle Gardens)

Ship name: Olympus

Class: steerage??????

Anna (Anne) Powell Evans (my great x 4 grandmother)?Arrival date in US: 15 June 1864 ??????Age 50 (b. circa 1814)

Port of Departure: Liverpool, England

Ship name: Olympus

Class: steerage



Susan Dannen

I can trace my family history back to John Evans born in 1775 in North Carolina. He was married to Rhoda Martin in Greenwood, South Carolina. I have been told I had Irish ancestry. 

Lloyd Vaughan

I am Lloyd Vaughan from Texas. My grand father's roots were in Alabama, Descendant of Dr Samuel Watkins Vaughan of the Battersea Plantation. Our first American grandfather was John William Vaughan and his forefathers were from Wales. 

Katey Rice

My mother is a Vaughn. The majority of our close relatives are in Overton and Putnam County Tennessee for around the last two centuries. Tracing back they were from Wales, came to Virginia, then North Carolina, and finally settled in Tennessee.  John William Vaughan (with the added "a") was my 10th great grandfather from Wales.  Many of the Tennessee Vaughna had very large families, as my mom is one of nine children and my grandfather was one of 12 I believe.  

Lori Burcham

Just got back to digging into my ancestry on my dad's side. My 5th great grandmother was Elizabeth Rogers (1772-1835). She married Francis Joseph Malone (1760-1841). Very excited to find more info on my Irish roots!


I'm Robert W. Phillips, I am in Phoenix, Arizona, U.S. I am looking for others of the Phillips tribe.


I too have/had Phillips family in Phoenix, AZ.

Andrew Wayne Peters

My Peters family is from Schleswig-Holstein, on the Eider and Treene rivers to be precise. They were shoemakers up till the mid 19th century. The towns that they were born, and liver in, include Bergenhusen, Koldenbuttel, and Friedrichstadt. 



Jacinta Bennett

I am curious about the migration of any Bennett to Jamaica West Indies from Ireland.  My ancestors were farmers in Jamaica and their history seems to have disappeared if we go back to the early 1800's

Robin Renee Jones


My name is Robin.  I'm looking for informati?on and my history.  My 2nd Great Grandfather was James Jones, born in 1838 in Armagh Northern Ireland.  He moved to england.  Married Jane Hughes then to Porepunkah Australia.  His Father was George Jones (1800-1844) and mother was Margaret McConnell (1810-1842) from Newry. 
 George and Margaret ?stayed in Newry.

Thank you for any lights you can shine.?



Neal A Schoeller

My Great-Great Grandfather was Elihu F. Daniels (1815 - 1900) buried in Greenwood Cemetery, Reedsburg, Wisconsin, USA.  Married to Electa P. Daniels (5/25/1819 - 4/20/1885) also buried in Greenwood Cemetery, Reedsburg, Wisconsin, USA. This is the earliest I have.  I would like to know even more about my family and were in Ireland we came from. A mission Impossible, I know.

Alan Griffiths

My grandfather Henry Griffiths was from the East End of London, his mother was descended from the Hugenots, whilst his father was probably from somewhere in South Wales.

Eilir Wales101

Hello Alan. A good place to start if you want to trace where you grandfather was from originally would be to trace his marriage record to your grandmother. This will include his father's name and occupation and confirm his age at the time. You can use that information to trace him on earlier records such as (if he was born before 1921 or 1911) on the 1921 and 1911 censuses . If he and your grandmother married before 1939, and you have an idea of of there they may have been living in 1939, then you can try to trace them on that year's Civilian Register - his entry should include his birth date. This will help you to trace his birth record. The information from all these sources will help to establish where in south Wales he was born.

Eilir Wales101

Hello Alan. If you want to establish where your grandfather was born, then a good place to start would be his marriage certificate that you can order from the General Register Office. That record will include his father's name and occupation, and it will confirm his age, so you can work out around when he was born. If he was born before 1921 or 1911 you can try searching for him on those years' censuses – censuses include information on individuals' birth places. And if you have an idea of where he was living in 1939, try searching for him on that year's Civilian Register - his entry will include his birth date, and with that information you can then try tracking down his birth record, which should confirm where exactly in south Wales he was born.

Eilir Wales101

The origins of Welsh and Irish Morgan families are different, and so, unfortunately, an Irish origin theory would not be relevant to the majority of Morgans who hail from Wales itself. In Wales, the surname almost entirely derives from Welsh patronymic roots - i.e. it comes from the given name of an ancestor who would have lived (depending on where in Wales that ancestor came from) generally somewhere between the late 16th and late 18th centuries (sometimes slightly later than this), and was adopted as a fixed surname by different families during that time. This would be the same for most other typical Welsh surnames, such as Jones.

Eilir Wales101

You can start by searching for your father on the recently published 1921 census, and to trace his birth certificate and his parents' marriage certificates. Details on those sources should then help you to trace your grandparents back through time, and to link back to Evan Richards, via 19th century censuses and certificates.

To find out more about David and Evan's maritime careers, start by consulting the welshmariners.org.uk website to see if they are listed there, and (if so) what their entries contain. Some pay-to-view genealogical sites (such as www.ancestry.com) host Master Mariners Certificates and other maritime sources which could be of help.


Brian Grove

I AM just trying to find my Irish family and learn about our bloodline. My Dads name is John Jenkins. He was raised in Pennsylvania Duncannon but joined the American military and moved to Texas.

Rex Davis

Hello I am an American born Davis, I believe fourth generation. I am told my great-great grandfather Davis came through Canada and married a French Canadian from the family Million (sp?).  I was born and raised in Washington State as my father Wesley Davis son of Forest Davis.?





Waters, Moss, Halloran, D

Hi my name is Kat, from Australia. I have several ancestors from Ireland from different countys. Im starting my ancesrty trail with my 2nd great grandfather, John Waters.

John Waters est dob 1820 from Killbeggan Westmeath?.
I cannot trace anything, this info was obtained from a birth cert. He came to Australia prior to 1846, as he had a child that year. He then married in 1851 to Margaret Halloran (daughter of Patrick Halloran dob1805 Tulla, Co.Clare & Mary Duggan dob 1815 Tulla, Co.Clare)
I ?cant find any details of him entering Australia (if he was a free settler or convict?) On a childs birth cert x marked his spot.


Scott Roberts

My Roberts family hails from Ferns county Wexford Ireland. The first born son for generation after generation was named William. (I and my father are exceptions).  The names Richard and John also dominate

Judith Ann Hess

My great Grandfather was Thomas Jones from Wexford. Hewas a member of the Royal Irish Constabulary and came to Australia around 1857.  He did not indicate his parents on his Marriage Certificate or his Death Certificate, so I know very little about him.


There is a Daniels family in the coastal area of Roanoke Island NC. I am a part of that family and Josephus Daniels of Raleigh and Under Sec of the Navy who was later in the cabinet of FDR. It is rumored that this line came out of New England to Roanoke. There is also a Daniel(s) family in Middlesex County VA and I am sure the NC crowd comes from this group and in Josephus' book the Thomas Daniels came to Roanoke but son Clifford went to Washington NC and later Wilson NC. The coast like colonial VA is nortorious for inner bred marriages as Coastal NC and the SE Virginia area near Jamestown. I am from the aunt of Josephus of the N&O and FDR as I had a gt. uncle names Charles Clifford Shannon. What are your thoughts?


I'm researching our Leonard family ancestry in Ireland. My great grandfather was Michael Joseph Leonard and my great grandmother was Bridget Agnus Duffy. I believe they are from Louth, Ireland. They came to Ellis Island in 1898.


Richard Kenneth Oliver 10/03/1924-12/04/2014


Richard Kenneth Oliver 10/03/1924-12/04/2014


Peter Rogers founder of Rogers Corp., CT USA Born 1797 Died 1841 From Netherlands or Denmark We are writing a history of his 190-year-old company and find little about him or his son Henry or his grandchildren, Knight and Gertrude.


I see no mention of the Rice's of County Louth. I have been able to convince several Rice males with Carlingford Parish ancestry to Y-DNA test. The results to date show three distinct Rice lines from Carlingford Parish (on the Cooley Peninsula).


My great grandfather was Evan Richards b.1847 my grandfather was David or Davy Richards b. 1879 (Both Master Mariners) And my father was William Evan Richards b.1914 I know My father was born in Aberystwith. Any info to help me with my family history will be appreciated.


Roberta kavalchuk, I am interested in Ellen (Eleanor) Bennett who was born 1826 I believe in Clare county. I do not know her parents names. She came to Canada in 1850 and married Henry Emes in 1851 in North Gwillimbury York County ontario. Interested in finding anyone who may have connection with her.


I'm having trouble tracing the origins of my father's family. The earliest ancestor I'm sure of is James Walters, who married Polly Roberts around 1850 in Eastern KY. I've been told 7 Walters brothers came to Kentucky from Pennsylvania through the Cumberland Gap, but that's family lore. I have a hunch they came to America from Wales, but I can't substantiate that. I'd appreciate any information anyone can give me.


I am looking for the family Blackwell from Kings Co - Offaly, ireland. My line goes back through John Blackwell a constable RIC stationed around Ballywilliam Wexford (served 1839-1872). He was born in Kings Co, Offaly. Hoping to find same family searching this line of Blackwells. One daughter Katie married a Richard Maloney from a local Tailor family in Wexford, Another daughter Sarah Jane emigrated to Australia aged 15 and travelled with a Thomas Maloney and his family.. Sarah Jane married Wm Collins in Qld and settled in Blackall Queensland,


ames Stephens (Irish: Séamus Mac Stiofáin; 26 January 1825 – 29 March 1901) was an Irish Republican, and the founding member of an originally unnamed revolutionary organisation in Dublin. This organisation, founded on 17 March 1858, was later to become known as the Irish Republican Brotherhood (I.R.B). Nationality: Irish Occupation: Civil engineer, teacher, translator, newspaper publisher Resting place: Glasnevin Cemetery Please note all of his family including his brother Walter Stephens were Railway Engineers. I am named after Walter.


My Mother' was a Williams before she married my father. My 3x Great Grandfather Joseph Williams b.abt.1810 Ireland- d. abt. 1894 USA. He had Immigrated from Ireland with his 4 brothers. NOTE:5 Williams brothers from Ireland "Nebraska Bound" abt. 1830ish


John Morris



Robert N Slocomb Jr

Looking for Welsh and/or English descendants of Richard Morgan, b 1599 and Anne Morgan. Thomas, their son, was baptized at Kingsland, Herefordshire, UK. Feb 5, 1625. He moved on to America a few years after the Interregnum. As I understand it, we were Welsh. But I have scant information from this point forward.


Hi....my Morgan family are from Williamstown, Co. Galway. Ive been trying to trace the family of my great uncle, Sgt. Martin Morgan, who was born in 1876. He joined the RIC and was shot in an IRA ambush and died of his injuries on 27th Sept. 1920. He had been stationed in Waterford. As far as I know he had married a Protestant lady and they had two children. I have no other information on them. Would love to be able to make contact with any descendants.


Levi Powell born 1799 in North Carolina USA


Lady Jane Roberts born approx 1797 father John Roberts Married Andrew Guthrie in 1823 in Quebec, Canada Died in 1840 Quebec

Martin Daniels

My granddad's surname was Daniels. I did not know him well. He had, I think, seven sons. One of these sons was my father, Dawid Daniels, My dad fought in the Second World in Egypt against the British. He served in the army formed by the then Apartheid Regime (Government) of South Africa. I was born in a small town named Upington. It is nearby the well-known South African town Kimberley where diamonds were discovered. It is also home of the famous Big Hole. I have three bothers and three sisters. One is a medical doctor. Two of our seven children are teachers. Of the seven of us, two has since died. We are five still living in South Africa. I think my father and grandfather and great grand father has their origins in Ireland, but I am not sure. It will be interesting to hear from other people worldwide with the surname of Daniels.

Jeff Roberts

Seeking info on Peter Roberts in Necton, Norfolk, England circa 1700’s

Callum Pierce

It’s not much but a majority of Pierce families such as my own come from Kerry as the MacPearses (Macpiarais) of Kerry were important in the Irish side of the Desmond wars .

Debra merpaw

I'm trying to track the native side my greatest grandfather came from Wales from ship travel to USA then on to Canada trying to see if that were the native American come into it

Eilir Wales101

Hi Debra. Try, first of all, to trace your great grandfather on the passenger lists (arriving in the US). Do you know around when he emigrated to North America from Wales, and do you know around when he was born? If so, then you can narrow down your search by using those details. You can consult many passenger lists via sites such as www.ancestry.com and www.familysearch.org. It depends on when he arrived, but if he was living in the US or Canada during the 19th century or early 20th, then you should be able to trace part of his history through the censuses. The information you will uncover should help you to start building a picture of his life and to move your research on from there.


I am looking for any information on Edward james Jackson B 1845 he might have lived in Dublin

Harry Griffiths

I want to know my origins. I’m a tribalist, I wish that one day in the future, there is a place where those who do not forget the ways of the past can mix it with technology, like in the game Horizon Zero Dawn. Imagine a place where we live simple lives, no nations that run by corrupt people. I’m not an extremist, I only want to be who I am and I feel that the first step is to know where I came from.

Debi Johnson

I'm trying to track down any information from the James Clan from Carlow. Edward James (B abt 1695), William James (1731-1820), Edward James (B. Nov 23, 1756 D. 1804) I've received ver information on the family crest but cannot find an image of it. Can you help?

Adekunle Hughes

Hello everyone I Am Adekunle Hughes a black man from Nigeria ,that as been asking where are we originated from from my dad and grandfather , all they can say is that One Philip Hughes can you Nigeria as a missionary and decide to take a wife from Nigeria so he got a Nigeria woman pregnant and took her down to , I think Wales or Irish they said . So I think they got married and have 4 children so one of the children wish is black decided to come back to his mother land and he decide to leave here , that why we are here ...but I really need to know more because I love my family Name .

Eilir Wales101

Hi Adekunle. Tracing details relating to Philip Hughes could be difficult without more specific clues relating to around when he was born, or travelled to Nigeria. If he and his wife came back to Wales or the UK, and married there, then you can search for a marriage, but you would need to know his wife's name. Some missionary archives exist (the largest held by SOAS, the University of London), and you will need to search their catalogues for any potential reference to Philip. Another source to search would be passenger lists for evidence of Philip returning to the UK (available from 1878 onwards), but you will need to have an idea of around when he was in Nigeria, and/or a rough idea of when he was born.


Iam Griffith from usa

mary stephenson

my great grandfather James morriss born county Mayo 1822/1827 does any one know anything about his parents . .James died in 1896 in Wallsend england he married Bridgete burns who was also from Ireland thanks for any help you can give.

Sandy Bowen

i am trying to find anyone connected to my dad RONALD GEORGE BOWEN born 1929 , he died in 2015, his dad was FREDERICK G BOWEN born in 1906 died in 1993, would like to hear from anyone connected to them please as know NOTHING about my dad's side of the family

Eilir Wales101

Hi Sandy. You could start your search by tracing information relating to Frederick - if you have an idea where he was born and/or lived - then you could look for him on the censuses (1911 and 1921 if he lived in the UK) and the 1939 Civilian Register. If he had brothers and sisters, then the censuses should reveal their details. With those details, you could then potentially trace their descendants if that's your aim, using documentary sources (birth, marriage certificates etc). 

Billy M Mueller (Daniel)

My Paternal line is Daniel my Father was born Robert Ellis Daniel, my Grandfather was born Roscoe R Daniel and Great Grandfather was born John H Daniel would like to know if anyone has information on the original British or US Immigrant.


Alive 21/09/1966


Hermanus Jan Leonard. Guitar player and singer. Very handsome tall man. Born 28 February 1925-1928


Hermanus Jan Leonard. He was attractive and he played the guitar and he used to sing at concerts. 28 February 1925-1928


Seeking departure dates and information of Roberts family immigration to Virginia colony--or any American colony if not Virginia specifically. Earliest known family member Joseph Roberts (1733-1788) in Virginia, possibly Spotsylvania area. Would like to know what part of Ireland this family originated.

Regina Smith

Looking for information of Partick Owen, who arrived 1848 in New Orleans LA. Her 7 year old daughter Bridget. WAS my Great Grandma. He had three childrend and a pregnant wife when he left Liverpool, End, had a fourth child Mary, while on Sea.

Darklene annette jenkins

my jenkins family stated with my grandma f


Patrick. From Monaghan. Born 1709

Julie M Hughes

I wish there was a way to reply to a specific comment on this post... The gentleman that mentioned his family was traced back to Upper Pig Pen in Yancy Co, NC... This is also the general area my dad and grandfather were in as well. I would love more info on your family history to see if there is relation...

Michael Daniels

Hello my name is Michael R Daniels. Im trying to find out what part of Ireland my family came from and if there are any Daniels left there.


I am interested in the comment made by Shaun Leonard. My mother is Elizabeth Leonard, my grandfather Martin Patrick Grainge Leonard and I recently received some photo albums that my great great uncle, William Albert Patrick Leonard had taken during his time in the South African Boer war of 1900. One of the albums is dedicated to his brother John (Jack) and one to his father Patrick. I am very interested to find out more about his life, and any descendants. I’m thinking he married a Margaret McBlain in the UK in 1883 and they had a daughter Margaret Lucy Grainge born in 1884, but I didn’t know anything about the South African family! I’d be very interested to know more Shaun! Trish (née Rutter)


Ernest Rogers born 1913 goes back to England and Ireland

Dave Owens

My grandfather was Herbert Owens of Manitoba Canada and I know he came from Ontario Canada. Married to Christina Belle Campbell. Their children John,Marjery,Wesley I am the son of Wesley and Maxine Owen's. Am I a member of the Welsh Owen's Family?

Jeff Walters

I know nothing of my family history beyond my grandfather Edgar h walters


I have done my DNA with Ancestry. My great grandmother arrived NewZealand in around 1866 she married in Christchurch, new zealand 1773 all we know about her is her father was John Rodger's . They were both from Feckle Couty Clare, Irealand.I have managed to find a few Dna matches for County Clare ,(Hayes ) and some more but irish records are slim. So I Decided to write all the Roger's and Rodger down in the trees that I have DNA matches with. A huge task I have around 500 maybe due to the fact that I asked to keep the 6 and 7cm that were taken out Aug last year. I have found I have 36 DNA matches to the Thomas Roger's trees of the Mayflower I assume that my connection was in the late 1500s, I also have DNa matches to the Giles Fitz Roger's, Scotland. The Donegel , ireland, Rodgers and Pattons, Then some from Somerset,Eng. The Oklahoma Roger's, Virginia Roger's, Massachusetts Roger's, Maryland Rogers. BUT I have know idea were I fit. Would appreciate your feed back. Still working on it. Cheers lyn Comish

Louise Leonard

My ancestor John Leonard, born according to what I have been able to find, in Limerick in 1791 (or thereabouts). He was the first to move to South Africa, He was the son of an Edward Leonard. I would love to trace even further back.


Hi Louise I am not sure if I can help you, but maybe you can help me. I am trying to figure out who my great grandfather was and I see you mention the name Edward Leonard, I have these name in my family and also live in South Africa.

Daniel Vaughan

Daniel Vaughan, from Cork, Ireland. Now living in Vancouver, Canada. Father Donal Vaughan, Grandfather William Vaughan, and Great Grandfather Denis Vaughan (all from Tipperary, Ireland)


gabriel daniels

Stephen Richards

Not much to go on- family history lore- Richards (given names: Francis, Richards, Charles...) immigrated from “Wales” ca 1647 to Wexford, Ire, Ballycanew. From there, Francis and Mary immigrated to Ontario Canada ca 1850. Sons: Richard (dob 1834 Ire) and Edward Thomas (dob 1847 Ire)

Ashley Vaughan-Redwine

I’m married so my last name now Redwine but my maiden name was Vaughan. My Pawpaw was Albert Clarence Vaughan Jr. We are Texans and we were the only Vaughan’s that had an a. My entire life until now everyone said it wasn’t spelled incorrectly. Only other Vaughan with an A was Stevie Ray Vaughan also a Texan.

Emma Desson

my grandmother was born in Donegal 1900's and used the name Leanord. I think this may have been misspelled. She moved to Scotland when she was young.

Stephen Stanley

We live in Florida now, but have family in Kentucky. Not sure much of my family history as those who know anything are long gone and apparently didn't pass down much information. Would love to get to know any family I do have.

Brenda Conway

I'm looking to find Conways thats immigrated from Co Tyrone to Canada as USA in the early 90s


Hi am a direct descendent of Sir Nigel Kennett “Kenneth” Oliver. He was born in Scotland about 1355 or 1370 and died about 1425. His wife is Baroness Alice of Gillstand Darce de Darce.

Shaun Leonard

I am trying to find the Leonard clan that lived in Cape Town South Africa in the early 1900. William Albert Patrick Leonard left a wife and child in England / Ireland and joined the military in India. He disembarked in Cape town and married Margery Siscely. Their children included Eric that was blind and Patrick George who ended up at Marsh Memorial Home. William Albert Patrick's father was Patrick and he was married to Louisa Grange Partick's father is believed to be John who married Mary Doaling.


My Grandfather was Arthur Edward John Jones who came from Greenwich in London. His father was Henry Joseph Jones from Lewisham. However my dad does not know the family link to wales but remembers his dad taking them to a church Graveyard in Abergavenny Area and showing him relative’s graves. We would like to know the link! And if we still have any relatives there.

Eilir Wales101

Your visit to Abergavenny does indeed suggest a link – that could be direct (i.e. a direct ancestor of yours moved from Abergavenny to London) or the relatives you speak of moved from London to the Abergavenny area. To investigate that link, start by researching your great grandfather, Henry Joseph Jones from Lewisham, to find out who his parents were – trace his birth certificate and try finding him and his parents on the censuses. Those censuses will tell you where Henry's parents were born. If it turns out that his father or both his parents were from Abergavenny, then you can start to research their siblings and descendants – this should tell you who those relatives were who are buried in the Abergavenny churchyard, and lay the foundations fo find out if there are relatives still living in the area.


This is wild, yet not surprising... My name is Vaughan and I live in the US. I don't know if I'm going to like what I'll find but I want to know. ????


Ludie Davis Jr. born 02/12/1928 died 1993?


Robert William Jones born 1821 in Wales, died 27 december 1868 in Australia. Married Helena Ellen Preston in Australia 1852. I think Robert my great great grandfather may have been born in Glamorgan, but I am not sure. His father was also Robert Jones born around 1796 in Cardiff, Glamorgan.

Eilir Wales101

It's quite likely that Robert was born in the county of Glamorgan, especially if you know for sure that his father was born there. If his Australian death certificate is the most detailed kind and therefore includes birth location details, then this could (if those details were recorded of course) help you to pin down where in Wales he was born. Alternatively, have you been able to trace his arrival in Australia - some Australian passenger lists include a reference to where an individual was from. You could also try to search the historical newspapers (via the Trove website – https://trove.nla.gov.au/) for his obituary which may include a reference to where he was born.

Phylis Harmon

Looking for any relatives that might be in Cork

Mr Lee P Conway

Good evening I am trying to find any Conway from county Offaly Tullamore. I have got as far back as John Conway a shoemaker who died in the workhouse in Tullamore he was my 2x g grandfather. He had nine children with his wife Bridget McGuire one of his sons who is my great grandfather George Patrick Conway.


My 2nd great grandparents came from Ireland to the USA. do not know when/what port they immigrated to or when/where they were married, but the first census I find them in is as Thomas Williams and Mrs. 1860 Leavenworth Kansas. The Mrs. is Mary Fling b. 1825, 1830 or 1835 varies on census' and Thomas Williams either 1830 or 1834. First son was James born in 1855 Bloomington, Ill, Daughter Winifred b. 1857 and Charles Arthur my great grandfather 1858. The census' list them both as from Ireland, until 1930 my great grandfather lists his parents as from Northern Ireland. The only thing I know about Thomas Williams comes from the 1860 Federal Census taken in Leavenworth Kansas and the 1865 State Census taken in Leavenworth Kansas, I never find him again after that date. I have not located his immigration information or marrige information. Coincidentally there is a Thomas Williams and Anne Eliza Fling Williams in 1860 Bloomington, Illnois Census, they have a son Charles Edward, but dates and ages Do Not match and can't be in two places at one time. would love to learn where they were both from in Ireland.

David Owens

My father Richard Owens came from Boston. I live in CA. I am the father of three sons, Liam, Dylan, and Devin. We have tracked our family to McHugh from Tyrone. But this is all I have found. Just looking to learn more.


There was a large family of Rodgers born in 44 Nth Gt Clarence St, Dublin. My mother Bridgit (Bridie) Rodgers (sometimes spelt Rogers) was the principle character in my acclaimed book 'For the love of my mother' She was born in no 44, and was brough before the courts as three year child and charged with begging. 44 Nth Gt Clarence St was demolished in the 1970s. Bridgit was never able to trace her family, I'm J.P Rodgers her son

Margaret Herbert

My Ggrandfather Tom Price told his Daughter , when he got older, that his real surname was Powell. He changed his name when young , to go to sea as his Mother wouldn’t permit him to go. The family name has gone by Price all these years, I know he had Brothers, not sure of any Sisters, as 1 Brother came to visit from N.Wales on his motorcycle when my Mother, his GDaughter was around 13 yrs old. She lived with them for a while. On the census he said he was from Bodwrog, Anglesey. If there is anyone that has heard of him, Evan Tom Price , from relatives , I would love to hear from you. Cannot find out anything else except what’s on census,

Matthew Powell

Hello I am Matthew Powell.  I would love to know more about where my family originated I live in Georgia USA

Eilir Wales101

Hi Margaret. As you have a reference to your great grandfather's birth place, and an idea of around when he was born, then you can try tracing his birth certificate, which should be registered under the Powell surname. Does the census you have found on which he is named also include members of his family - his parents and/or siblings? If so, if you wanted to trace your great grandfather's family, then you can start to trace those relatives and descendants by using the information on that census. When he changed his surname from Powell to Price, then it's possibly unlikely an official record was made of this - as there is no legal requirement to register a change of name (although some do by deed poll).


He is famous to our Pierce clan although does not meet the standard! :) I have been desperately trying to find his immigration or naturalization papers to show when he came to the US. Upon his death it states that he resided in the US for 43 or so years. He must have arrived as a teen and met and married Johanna Boyle or Doyle. This is what I have thus far: Stephen F Pierce was born in Ireland, the son of Jennie (possibly Mary Jane) and Frank or Francis Pierce. Stephen married Johanna Doyle (or Boyle). They had seven children in 18 years. He died on June 24, 1906, in Camden, New Jersey ..... I'm happy to pay for help in finding the county or area in Ireland where they came from. I have done DNA both on Ancestry and Uploaded to GedMatch ... My fathers kit number is A128092 John Pierce. My father is 84 this year and is desperately looking for some 'hope' that he will find more about his family roots! :) Thanks, Rebecca Pierce....

Tonianne Morris

My great grandad was John Edward morris not sure when he was born but he died 1925 Salford Manchester he married a Elizabeth Bradbury there children were George Albert John Harold Elizabeth Anne Mary Gladys

Eilir Wales101

Hi Tonianne. If you go to the death indexes (e.g. https://www.freebmd.org.uk/), and input John's name, narrowing the date down to 1925, then you will be able to establish his age at death. This will help you then to narrow down your search for him on the censuses (he should be on the 1921, 1911, 1901 and, probably, previous censuses). He should be listed on those censuses with his wife, and on earlier ones with his parents. Those censuses will also tell you where he was born. You could search for his marriage to Elizabeth (search via https://www.freebmd.org.uk) - that certificate which you can order from the General Register Office will establish who his father was.


Hi there, looking for any Waters family prior to Nicholas married Elizabeth Wiseman in 1728 Kilshannig by Mallow - Cork, Ireland. Family story the Waters came from France- any information welcome - thank you

Wynneth (Peters) Mullins

I know very little about my Peters ancestors. There were only 3 Peters generations before me in the US. My grandfather Claude had a twin sister named Maude. My father's name was also Claude and my brother was Claude Peters Jr. The Peters family has lived in Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas over the years. My name is Wynneth Faye (Peters) Mullins. My maiden name is Peters. I know very little about the Peters family. I do know that my 3x great grand parents are Michael (20 Sep. 1796, Offerlane, Laois, Ireland) and (Seram) Sally (Egan) Peters (22 May 1807, Drum, Roscommon, Ireland). They lived in Tipperary. Their 4 children Lucy (12 Nov. 1832), John (22 Mar. 1835), James (10 July 1837) and Thomas Peters (18 Jan. 1839) were born in the years between 1832 – 1839 and were baptized in the Roman Catholic Church, Dovea, Drom & Inch, Tipperary, Ireland. St Mary's Catholic Church in Drom was built in 1829 for Friar Thomas Mullaney, whose name is inscribed over the front door. I have found the information of each child’s baptism in this church. I believe that the parents of Michael is William and Sally (McEvoy) Peters. And I believe the parents of Sally Egan are David and Sally (Sara or Seram) (Jackson) Egan and I believe Sally had 7 brothers and sisters total. Sally Peters born 22 May 1807 in Ireland. Thomas Peters was born 18 January 1839 in Ireland. The relationship between Sally and Thomas is mother and son. They sailed from Liverpool, England to the Castle Garden, the Port of New York on the Ship: The Shamrock. Both listed as servants in the ship register. They were listed as Passenger #188 Sally Peters, age 48. #189 Thomas Peters, age 17. The voyage left Liverpool, England 15 May 1856 and arrived in New York 9 June 1856. The next information is that Thomas came to Texas and married Mary Elizabeth Hogland or Hoagland in Paris, Lamar County, Texas on 05 August 1859. Thomas was in the United States 3 years before he married Mary. I wonder how they met and if they knew each other before Thomas arrived in the US. I have never found Sally Peters in the US. I don’t know if she brought Thomas here and then went back to Ireland or if she stayed in the US and perhaps married someone. I have so much history about our family from the time Thomas and his mother came to the US and up to now. I would love to share all this information with you if you would only let me know about you and the family that stayed in Ireland or where ever they moved to. Please contact me. I would love to know all about the family that stayed in Europe. Thank you.


Thomas Lee, born in Ireland in1830. Died in Louisville, KY, USA in 1868. Married Mary ...... Children- Margaret Lee, Joseph Thomas Lee, James J. Lee. Looking for county of his birth in Ireland.


My Ellis family were based around Essex and London. My great great grandfather Nelson Ellis worked in an asylum near Ilford in the early 1900s. As my maiden name is Ellis I have a few relations with the name but have found them on the whole not very interested in family history.

Barry Heeran

Hi, today is the 11th February 2021....nobody has posted here since my last post above.....is there in fact any Ellis group here or any conversation going on???


Dennis Morris was born around 1710 in or about Galway. He departed Galway in 1732 (supposedly shortly after the English banned Catholic land ownership) and came to Baltimore, Maryland in North America, an open port for arriving Catholics. He proceeded north to New Jersey, married and started him family. He died in 1800 in New Jersey.


just would like confirm im IRISH !

Barry Heeran

Hi, I'm trying to track down my Ellis ancestors in Co Longford and Co Leitrim in Ireland. The family may have originated in Wales and immigrated to Ireland in the 17th or 18th centuries, although this is not certain. There is a possibility that they were tenants or employees of Lord Longford as there is family folklore suggesting such connection. A John Ellis b.C1736. d C1822, my 4th GGF, lived at Newtown Forbes in Co Longford, his son John C1781 to C1844 and his grandson Henry b. C1821 who married one Mary Kirwan b C1815. Any help or information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Barry Heeran

Charles R. Evans

I am very interested I. The very early, tribal origins of the Evans name. Also, after reading your text above, I am quite interested in the connections to the connections to the possible connections to King Arthur and that time period. Also curious about the earliest Evans migration to the Americas.


Looking for info James Bowen b Ireland 1835; died Iowa, US 1912



Christy Conway

Hi Everyone! Looks like many of us have the same challenge... I have x3 John Conway's' and 4 Patrick Conway's' not to mention the nephews and nieces with the same names as their ancestors. I believe we originated with... wait for it... John Patrick Conway from Sligo. Patrick Conway (John Patricks son) born Sligo Ireland date unknow, d.2 Nov 1806 married Ellen Kearney (Ireland 1620-1911 Birth records) - His son Patrick Conway Jnr b.1811 Sligo Ireland. In 1861 British Census - he is a Cotton Factory Worker aged 21yrs, d.1892 Buried 17 Feb 1892 Liverpool, Lancs, UK. He married Bridget Conway Snr b.1806 (1861 British Census) Res:102 Standish Street Chorley, Lancs, UK. They seem to have 2 sons named Patrick - I assume one died. Patrick Conway b. 1839 - d.1900 - res. 16 Park St Salford (10 Bk Park t Salford). He was a Coach Builder Journeyman and he took Irish labourers to Ellis Island USA. for work. He married Julia Hulichan (Hoolichan, Hoolighan,) b. 1837-39 Ireland. They moved to River Falls or Falls River USA with sons Charles b.29.8.1868 d.2 Feb 1909 41 yrs, who married Ellen Welch (sometimes spelt Welsh or Walch/ Welsh b.9.10.1869 d.12.12. 1944 and Arthur William Conway b 26.6.1873. If any of these details resonate, I’d love to hear from You. Regards Christy


Hello fellow Griffiths, I am Ronelle from Cape Town South Africa, I am trying to find out more about my father's side of the family. I never really knew my father, he left when I was 2 years old after being married to my mother for 21 years. He in turn did not really know his father either, I don't even have a name of my grandfather. Is there someone willing to help me find out more about him. My father was Walter George (Wally) Griffiths, bright red hair, sky blue eyes, I would really love to know more about the Griffiths family name, any information is much appreciated and welcomed.

Eilir Wales101

Hello Ronelle. To discover more about your father's family, start by tracing his birth certificate which should establish his parents' identities. Do you have an idea of around when and where he was born? If he was born in South Africa, then you can approach the local authorities there for his birth record. If he was born elsewhere, then there may be a record of his arrival (or departure from, for example, the UK) on a passenger list - this may give you a clue as to where he was living before he arrived in South Africa. Delving deeper into his early history and that of his parents would depend on where - which country - he was born, and so tracing his birth record would definitely be the first step to find out more.

Birgit Blume

I am looking for Harris family members from London and Dublin. They were of jewish faith. I would appreciate any support/information, although I am not a relative. Joseph Harris (1793-1864, father Tsevi Hirsh) and Rachel Costa (about 1805-1866, father Benjamin Zeev Wolf) came from Poland, Breslau as I asume. They lived in London and had 9 children: Morris (Moses) (1823-1909), who moved to Dublin. Grandfather of William and Harry Sinclair, ... Lewis (1826-) Wolf (1829-) Deborah (1832-) Leah (1832-) Jane (1835-) Sarah (1840-) Catherine (1841-1908) married Robert Wade Probably at least one family member emigrated to America. Please help.

Tony Fawcett

I am interested in Sarah Bennett born about 1831 in Nenagh, Tipperary to parents John Bennett a farmer and Mary Anne Gleeson. Sarah left the Tipperary town workhouse as an "orphan girl" in 1849 aged 17 under the name Sarah Hickey and settled in Victoria, Australia. Love to hear from anyone who could shed some light on her Bennett beginnings.


I am trying to find answers to my ancestors. My 4th grandfather was Bird jr Roberts 1778 -1888 South Carolina his father was William Roberts whose father Bird sr,

John Pinch

Did a Morse family live at Melksham Court in Stinchcombe and if so, when?

Florence Morris

My name is Florence Morris and I was interested in more information on the Morris family. I wanted to know if some of the family was either of native Indian decent. I have not gone on ansestry.com but I am often asked if I am from native Indian decent.

Derek Waters

Looking for the father of Patrick Joseph Waters, born 1817 in Wexford married Anne Ferry moved to Birkenhead, Died 1885, but I think some of his family emigrated to the United States. I've found a John Waters from Wexford born 1790 married Mary Wood as a possibility.


My grandfather, Evan Bradford Evans was born in Youngstown Ohio and his parents came from Wales. They had nine children and my grandfather was the youngest. He moved to Syracuse New York where he married and had five children of his own. One of which was my father, John Standen Evans. Also had a brother named Bowen Evans, Sally Evans, Ally Evans, Libby Evans. My grandfather's first wife name was Phyllis, she died of cancer and he remarried a lady named Gladys.

Eilir Wales101

So interesting to read about an Evans family emigrating to Ohio. That state was one of the main destinations for Welsh families during the 19th century, and the early 20th century. Early in the 19th century many Welsh families arrived in Ohio from the county of Cardiganshire, joining other families from another mid-Wales county, Montgomeryshire. Later, many families from the industrial areas of Wales – Glamorganshire and Monmouthshire – settled in that state. It sounds as if your family formed part of this latter wave of emigration?


John Standen Evans 01/08/1925 Born in Syracuse, Ny, USA


John Owen Malydia Owen


Not known if James waters was born in Ireland or US. Born 1835

Chris Tucker

My g-grf was Henry Rice, b 1846 in Aghancon, County Offaly, (Kings). I think he attended the Charter School aged 10, came over to England to take up a Civil Service job, married Jane Carter in 1871 and had 3 daughters. I believe his father was John Rice but cannot go any further back.

James Lazos

According to our DNA tests (they change every few months with more info) Roberts is from Donegal, Ireland, and towns on the border of N. Ire. and Ireland. But it also shows Scottish. Pretty cool, this whole time I thought I was predominately Greek, but I'm a mutt from my mother's side and apparently we are not half greek, we have a lot of Balkan and E. European in us on my dad's (greek) side, my mother's side is the Roberts side, and anyway, it's interesting all the stuff on here but I think we can all agree on one thing, the name is broadly the UK. You cant nail it down to one town, that's just moronic, that's like trying to nail SMITH down to one location.

Patricia Harris

I am looking for Harris coat of arms the one with a monkey on

Miles Hodges Pritchard

To Wendy Pritchard, I too am a descendant of a Thomas Pritchard. He married a Mary Woods. They had a son Hansel Pritchard who married Sabrina Garrett, who had John Walter Pritchard, ( wife Janie) who had John T Pritchard sr, who had my father John T Pritchard Jr. I would like to confirm a connection to Thomas Pritchard you refer to.


Charles louis roberts born 1919 died 1987


william pearce. born 1687, hanged for wrecking 1767. cornwall england

margaret egan elwood

my aunt married a john morris in boston .he was from mayo .. a brother stayed in home place but john went to boston and married my aunt catherine egan they had children and grandchildren john died and left catherine with young family . she later married again and had one child . . would like to know if there are any connections in around mayo still . . my cosin j richard morris and i are in touch .he in boston and i in galway thanks margaret

Morehu Pritchard

I am from New Zealand and we have been here for 5 generations. Will have to ask my aunty about more of where we come from since my grandfather has passed.

Robert Lee

Hello I am trying to find relatives of my great grandad Adolphus Lee born Middleton, Cork 1875. Thanks

Peter Dooley

Continuing to work on my family tree and would like to connect with any Rices in Limerick. My great grandparents Richard & Catherine Rice (formerly Torpey) born 1857 & 1858 lived in Curragower House in Limerick. Would love to connect & expand my family tree?


Hi, My great-great-grandmother was Sarah Griffith. She married James Grier in1827.04.29 in Granard, Co. Longford, Ireland. She died in Granard in 1861 making her year of birth around 1804. I have seen anecdotal evidence that either she or her parents cane from Wales. Any information to back up this theory would be appreciated. Rgds Andy Grier

Lauren Mathis McCarter

Hey guys! I am a descendant of John "The Great" Mathis. He was a Matthews but changed his name to Mathis to make the surname easier to pronounce. I am looking for his parents. He was born June 22, 1684 in Merthyr Tydfil, Wales and died October 23, 1779 Davis Island, New Jersey, USA. Would love to connect to possible distant cousins as well!


Pelagius 354-418 the early Christianity theologian was born a Morgan. He was spoke of as an Irish Welsh monk and modern dna show all Morgans have a link with southern Irish Irish type 2 haplogroup

Iannick Vézina

Hi, I'm from Québec city, first of all appolagyse for my English please. I just came to found my father was adopted when he was a born. His father was named Jean-Philippe Richard and his grand-Parents was supposedly from Ireland. I desire to know what is the Richard family colors. emblems, coat of arms. And of course kilt color if they have one ! Anything from this family… What is suposedly my original family… I thank you in advance for the help you can give me.

Rachael Blackwell

I am a Blackwell. I know my grandfather was from Virginia.


My grandmother was Geneva Owens, daughter of Sheriff of Glynn County in Georgia U.S.A.. There is a large extended Owens family there that reunites every year in Brunswick GA.. Interesting, the Owens family tree is on my mother's side. On my fathers side is the Lloyd clan, descended from my father's side from Elystan ap Gllodrydd of the fifth tribe of royal wales.


My grandad has a jaded past but I think I have managed to trace relatives in Dartmouth, london & roscommon so far

Summer Vaughn-Littledave

Hello my maiden name is Summer Vaughn ( somewhere in recent history we lost the a at the end, my great grandpa spelled it vaughan). My dad is James T Vaughn, son of James Thomas Vaughn, my great grandpa was Tom "Tommie" Vaughn who married Suson Redbird, my great great grandpa I believe was Joe Douglas Vaughn. I would like to learn as much as possible about our family history. My great grandpa Tom Vaughn passed away due to Huntingtons on Christmas day when my grandpa was a young man and we don't know much about that family.

Rhonda Harris

I was born from the parents of Dennis Gerald Harris and Linda Diane Blair, I’m assuming we descend from Scotland and Ireland, I took a DNA test it showed I was Irish, Scottish and British can anyone help with the decency?

Jason Robert Pritchard

Never met my dad or any other pritchard


Professor E.J. Conway, (1933-1963).

Patrick Conway

MY NAME IS PATRICK CONWAY - MOTHERS NAME IS MURPHY.( Waterford) I WAS BORN IN CORK, 1955 -FATHER IS FROM BURNCOURT CO. TIPPERARY/ I LIVE IN AMERICA - OLDEST OF 7. WENT TO BOARDING SCHOOL IN MOUNT MELLARY - ( Waterford) in the70s .Would like To move back To Ireland - Interested in Hôtel purchase and creating à CONWAY Memorial for all CONWAYS in thé world To help one another.

Janie Johnson

I am Janie Bowen Johnson. My father was Thomas Monroe Bowen Jr. I do not know much about this side of my family but would like to

Eilir Wales101

Hi Janie. To find out more about your family history, try gathering information on your father and his parents. If you are based in the US and if your father was born before 1950, then you can search for him on the US censuses. If you know where he was born, then his birth certificate will establish his parents' details. With those details you can then follow their history back through the censuses and relevant birth and marriage certificates. If they emigrated to the US from the UK, then the censuses will indicate that for you.


MY dad GLYNDWR MORRIS DIED 14 DECEMBER 1968 IN Sydney Austrailia.

Eilir Wales101

With a great name like Glyndwr, then your father must have Welsh roots! If he was born in Wales, then you should be able to trace his birth record and details relating to his parents, which in turn should help you to follow the Morris family trail back further in time.

Brooke Vaughan

My name is Brooke Allen Vaughan, my Father is John Victor Vaughan, Grandfather Clarence Vaughan, Great Grandfather Victor Vaughan. I was born in Edmonton Alberta Canada.

Sandra Herbert

I am looking for information about our Grandfather Ralph Francis Herbert and the family crest. I will post more information on here as soon as I find it. I know there were three lions on the crest

Andrew Hibberts

My mother’s maiden name is Owens. We live in Armuchee Georgia USA as far as I’ve been told we are Welsh/Irish I’m am proud of both. I would love to know the origin.

Royce Craig Morgan

My family has done a family tree all the way back to 1700 where my grand father David Morgan died and buried in Gainesville Georgia . We do not know anything past that. We do know that he was not raised with his parents . He was raised with a Hollingsworth family.


My GRANDFATHER Richard Sims was from Hughes he had an old bond book of family history. My uncle Timothy Sims had Notebooks made for everyone but the history is amazing but it only goes back as far as 50 BCE Donegal. but it does state we are from Whales. Aunt Tony, she did a DNA and there traces of Jews decent. So I could also see where the snake comes from in the bible when that saved the life of many Israelites.

Jan Schonhaut

I would like to ascertain the relationship between John Cadwallader (1676-1742), who was born in Montgomeryshire, Wales and lived in Horsham, Pennsylvania, and John Cadwalader (1677-1734) who immigrated from Wales to Philadelphia. Were they cousins? I am a direct descendent of the Horsham, PA. John Cadwallader but would like to know if I am related to the Philadelphia Cadwaladers.

Gabriel Leonard

Greetings from Panama! I'm embarking in my family tree/DNA-Discovery Project.


My name is Hettie Pretorius and I am a decsendant of JOHN MORGAN in SOUTH AFRICA. We know nothing more of this ggreat grandfather of mine but JOHN MORGAN FROM IRELAND BORN 1828, gotten from his marraige to an afrikaans speaking lady with the name of GERTRUYDA JACOBA VILJOEN, and susiqiuently his children born in South Africa. The names JAMES HENRY, DANIEL PATRICK, HARRY WILLIAM, MARY ANN, THOMAS BENJAMIN. seems to be the names from the MORGAN side. Could anybody please point me in a direction on, where and how I can go about looking for any information on this elusive ancestor of mine. Thank yoy very much.Sorry he got Married in 1855 and his first son named JAMES HENRY was born in 1856 in what was known the ORANGE FREE STATE in SOUTH AFRICA. Hettie


Domênico Morgan Giovanni Morgan


Eddie Owens

Wendy Pritchard

I’m a descendant if Thomas Pritchard one of the earliest people to come to America Virginia. Thomas worked for the Virginia company .

Deb Dewis

I am looking for James Lee from Galloway, Ireland . Born in 1704 possibly immigrated to Massachusetts in 1720 possibly on a Steamer possibly called Parana .


David jenkin 1500 -1600 glaminshire nearth wales

Kevin brunty

I can trace my rice line to John rice , married to Elizabeth Steele / McGowan , he lived in dromara in Ireland , his father was Frederick , they were flax workers

Hannah Joy

Any one with the variation BOAEN?

Nick Jenkins

Ireland? When I started getting interested in my family history in the 1970s, the accepted story was that it was a Flemish name and came over with weavers escaping persecution. My own line goes back to the Briton Ferry area (so far).

Jeffrey Jenkins

Hello everyone, my name is Jeff, originally from West Tennessee USA. It has been my part time hobby over the past few years to research my family surname. Just in the last 7-10 years I've noticed many other Jenkins' to whom I am distantly related by DNA. They have all different histories, but those with exhaustive Tree data go way back to one common ancestor. That person is a William Jenkins born around 1675 and residing near Richmond Virginia. It is said he or his family originate from Bre on Wales. This is all that is known to date. I am interested in studying the Jenkins surname origin and migration history. I look forward to exchanging information and theories with you about this topic. Thank you

phil starrs

i discovered my father was a jenkins from cavan. his father ( my grandfather ) grew up in australia,  grandfathers parents emigrated to australia from scotland.

George William Thomas Rob

Im trying to find out weather my family originated in Wales or Ireland


David and Phyllis Powell, of New York circa 1820-30? Came from England? I cannot find any other info.

Eilir Wales101

You can try searching for them on a passenger list to begin with (arriving in the US), although the earlier someone emigrated, the less likely that a passenger list exists. If they married in the UK prior to emigration, then you could try to look for a potential marriage on the searchable databases, such as via www.familysearch.org. Not all marriage entries have been transcribed/indexes and appear there of course, but a huge number have, and so it's a good place to start. 

Stephen Owens

My grandfather was Toby Owens had 19 kids my farther is fayne owens from clintwood Virginia


Does Owen/Eoin/John, not come from the Eoinachta Tribe of Cork and Kerry?


James Morris death year I believe was 1992 he was my grandfather

Jacqueline Pierce

Hi i thought there was a motto with this crest though its probably different in families. I remember it ours as Loyal to the End in latin. If you know anymore let me know. Thanks Jacqueline Pierce

Tammy owens (stone)

Looking forcany Owens relatives from north carolina or maryland

Sarah Comer

Decendants of William owens (Wales before 1712?) And Elizabeth pryee(?)

?son -Thomas owens (b.1712?) 
?Thomas owens son was Mosby owens b.1750(?) In Buncombe co, North Carolina 
I have tons of information on this line of Owens ....but seems to be somewhat  out of order? / names mixed up  , as it was  written and handed down ? 


Reginald Owens

My Father is Cedartown ,GA that's all that I know.he had 4 brother William,LC,Horse and one sister Catherine.


Alvin Eugene Jenkins


Grace Beverly Jones, May 19, 1948 (born). Jamaican-American, entertainer Bishop Noel Jones, January 31, 1950 (born). Jamaican-American, bishop, brother of Grace Jones Marion Jones, October 12, 1975 (born). Former American track and field athlete Catherine Zeta-Jones, September 25, 1969 (born). Welsh actress James Earl Jones, January 17, 1931(born). American actor Tommy Lee Jones, September 15, 1946 (born). American actor

Mary Lee

Hi, I was adopted but I did ancestry DNA and found out I come from Ireland and Wales and England and Scotland. My father's last name is Vaughn. I would love to know more family history from you and even get to know you and other family history.


Miles Morgan




Leonard James owens eldest of the tribe of owens in wales until his death members of the opens cane and took him to a meeting of the tribe at camarthenshire nearly 60 years ago he was born in may 1912 of a family that fought in the first world war and as far as I can see every battle before that

Debra Rajkowski

Yes, Northern Ireland (Saintfield, Craigy, Carricknecessnaugh, County Down). Francis Dodds b.1827 married a Margaret Shields b. 1836. I have not heard of any Pauls though.


Francis Dodds born1742 died 1846...Ireland or Scotland Married Elizabeth McCracken born 1748 died 1802 England

Amy Howell Whitehouse

Looking for any Howell connections to myself.

Tom Bowen

Earliest Bowen who traveled to the United States?

Nathan Bowen

Griffith Bowen, Richard Bowen New England 1630s. 


O'Maolcraoibhe clan My Great grandfather William Rice was born September 1853in Eglish Kings County parents Thomas Rice and Elizabeth Neil. I do know he joined British forces in Five valleys and then around 1880-85 moved to Manchester UK Looking for any family that may still live in this area as he did have siblings, Also any other family information Thanks DOMINIC Rice UK PS family rumour we are related to the Manchester Martyr Peter Rice

Kristen Owens Pozna

My great, great, great grandfather Thomas H Owens was born in Wales and came to the US. Trying to find where he was born in Wales. I understand that he was a miner and settled in the Pennsylvania and Virginia areas of the US. He raised a family in Virginia. His son Thomas T. Owens was my great, great grandfather and Taylor F. Owens was my great grandfather.

Stephanie l Klima

I forgot to ask the significance of the Tudor names in I believe the 15th and 16th centuries. I did all the research on my own so I hope it is not confusing. I hope I have family in Ireland and Wales. This connection is so very dear to me. Thank you.

Stephanie Klima

Hi. Found a few connections with Ireland, although I couldn't ascertain which are or region. After 1800. most links started to mesh with Anglesley. Wales and Scottish historical names and links. After early 1800, Welsh was what I predominately seemed to find. I am so excited. My great grandfather, Warren Mayo Jenkins is the last known to me of our regional Jenkins lineage. He passed in 1969. I am 57. I miss him.


My family came from Ireland . We think northern. My grandfathers name was Paul Dodd

Dianna Pritchard Black

I want to learn more about the Pritchard family.

Linda Morris Fangmeier

John Morris was transported on a prison ship from England as was a couple other Morris. Research Morris family Austrailia. Back in the day England transported debtors and political to Australia. Most times to another prison. I am researching Morris family and have started a tree on Myheritage.com under Morris family. I have found so far that 3 lines came from England some wealthy some not. Famous authors royalty clear back to 1066 Normandy invasion of Briton. Those names Morris , Sharp and Shafto. Morris in Carolinas north Shaftos in New Jersey , Sharp in Connecticut, New Jersey, Iowa.

Jeremy owens

My grandfather was TJ Owens and don’t know a lot about his history. Just seeing what I can learn

Karen Dyer

Hey I would like to find some of my family members from Ireland. They left Ireland in1816 and showed up in Fairfax Virginiain in 1817. My great grandfather was newtDyer.he died in 1935 my father was McKinney Dyer born in 1932 on Murray country GA .

Rae Barlow

My Grandmother was May Blackwell 13-10-1884 her parents were Elizabeth McGregor and Thomas Blackwell who was born in 1854.


Hello, my name is Tracy Daniel's and I recently found out that I am 68% Irish. I would love to know more about my descendants. My grandfather's name was Tilden Daniels.

Douglas McElroy

Looking for info about Lorenzo W Roberts. Born 1800 New York.

Rachael Bliss

Interested in finding Robertses who immigrated from Wales to County Longford in Ireland, thosestill there or ones who settled in USA.

Kylie Ellis

trying to find my Ellis family in Ireland- my uncle who has passed (Joe Ellis) went over after serving in the Marines and stayed with our family there. I believe he was in county Leitrim.

Edward Lewis

Hello, My name is Edward Lewis I am trying to track my family line. I am looking for any info on John Lewis. The only thing I that keeps coming up is he was from Donegal county, Ireland. Thank you.

Eilir Wales101

The information that you will be able to trace with regards John Lewis partly depends on when he was born. If you have an idea of his birth year, and if that was after 1864, then your best chance of gathering information on him and his family would be to try to trace his birth certificate, concentrating your search on the Donegal area. That record would give you his parents' details. If he married in Ireland, and you know his wife's name, then you can also try to trace his marriage certificate which would give you his father's details. Indexes of Irish birth and marriage registrations can be searched via www.familysearch.org. If you find potential entries for John there, then you can order the certificates from the Irish General Register Office.

Glenn Stephens

looking for my past Family members tree


My Morgan Ancestry points me towards the Counties Cork and Kerry, and I do believe that the surname Sullivan may be prominent as well, in my family tree, but I haven't found any concrete proof, of this. However my knowledge of the Morgan surname has only taken me as far as London, England, in a time about 1892, as then is when my grand father Frank (Francis) Morgan was born. I lose the trail there though, because I am not sure of his birth records, or the names of his parents. He was found on the streets of London, practically a street urchin or orphan, and shipped to Canada about age 10 (in 1903) to be adopted or indentured with a Canadian family. This was done through the Catholic church based in Ottawa, Canada. He later married and raise

Lindy Wardfear

Hello out there! Trying to find info on John Morris who arrived in Australia in 1840 (from County Tyrone Ireland.. Donegal I think). He took up a large piece of land in the Junee NSW area and farmed sheep. His property was called Geralgambeth. As far as I'm aware, he was a free settler. I have a fair bit of info on his life after he arrived but none prior. Any snippets would be greatly appreciated. Regards

Lee Michael jones

Lee Jones 46yrs old from pontypool south wales

Buzz Stevens

Trying to determine where my Stephens Ancestor came from. My DNA results came in as R-ZP112. Would love to compare with anyone who tested the same.

Deon Love

Hi my name is Deon Love. I'm interested in my family's history. My grandfather Chester Love was from Missouri. He claimed we originated from Ireland. Possibly Northern Ireland around Derry and Tyrone. My grandmother's last name was Blair also from Missouri. Both sides of my family comes back to Derry and Tyrone. From what I can find. Anybody with any information would be greatly appreciated.

Kathleen Wigley

Ancestry known back to Joseph Waters married to Agnes Marie Daly. Emigrated to U.S. shortly after marriage 1888/89 in Dublin. Cannot locate any ancestors prior.

Sherry Hathcoat

Trying to find the names of willis harris parents. He was born in 1814 virginia and married elizabeth ?. She was born 1812 north carolina. Willis had a son named charlie harris who married margaret tipton. Please help.

Jennifer Morris

Looking for anyone that has connected the Morris family from Tennessee/Missouri area in United States to Ireland, oldest traceable relative at this moment is a Lige Morris born in Houston Tennessee, had one son named John Morris in Benton Tennessee on June 3rd 1872. John Morris died in Bruceton Tennessee on September 3rd 1938

Roberts (Roberson)

Although it is more probable that Robert's in Ireland are actually from Scotland, and arrived during the Plantation of Ulster. According to my DNA Scotland is were my paternal side came from. We are basically Robertson's.

Roberts (Roberson)

Being born Welsh and having Welsh blood on my maternal side, this is not correct for all Roberts families. Fixed surnames in Wales is a late development for the majority. The patronymic system meant that the son often took the first name of the father as last name of the son. So it was only from when Henry VIII decreed that fixed names should be used in Wales did fixed names started to became the norm. This took quite some time. Thus not all Roberts's even in Wales are related. Roberts is not only a Welsh name, but English Sottish and Irish. In England it's first recorded in the Doomsday book recorded in Latin as Filius Roberti (son of Robert) Of Oxford. Roberts's in Ireland were descended from Clan Colla. (O'Heart). In Sc


Please note the Hughes family surname project at Family Tree Dna. It is the only compiled and in progress compilation of hughes dna in the public realm that I know of. We are such a great family we should know as much as possible about our family lines. Mine goes back to Jeremiah Hughes Sr. b.1785 of Upper Pig Pen area of Yancey County, North Carolina, United States. My people are represented on the last lineage of the dna colorized public spreadsheet on this study.


Hello My 3x great grandfather was Patrick Conway he was born in Galway county in 1824 his father was John Conway don't know the name of his mother or if he had any brothers or sisters Patrick married a Margaret Tracey in 1856 in Ashton Under Lyne UK .They lived with Margaret's parents in 1861 in Mossley Ashton Under Lyne. They had 9 children and lived in Mossley until Patrick died in 1887 and Margaret died in 1886.They are both buried in Mossley cemetery along with other Conway family members. Would love some info if I can get any about his father, mother and any brothers ,sisters and any other relatives Thank you x Yvonne Louise Conway

Cathy Griffiths

Hello Griffiths Family. I would like to meet you. I am a Griffiths in Louisiana, USA. I don't know who the 1 Griffiths listed in Louisiana but I would like to know. I look forward to meeting you. Cheers, Cathy Griffiths


Greetings from New Zealand! My 5x great grandmother is Catherine Evans born about 1778, convicted and sentenced in Dublin, then transported to NSW Australia on the "Royal Admiral' in 1792. Please help me find her family in Dublin :)


The farthest back I've been able to trace my Rice line is to John Rice (1822-1857), prob. born in North Carolina. He was married to Mary Ann Ferguson (1833-1902). They were the parents of Mary Jane Rice, Mary Elizabeth Rice, and my g-g-grandfather William Jasper Rice (1854-1907). I am trying to find out who John's ancestors were and where they came from.


I would like to verify the birthplace of my 3rd ggfather, Alexander R. Evans/Evins, born 29 May 1761 in possibly Seagahan, Armagh, Ulster, or his father, Alexander Evans born about 1720, died about 1770 in Fincastle, Virginia. The name Evans is of Welsh origin, and the family probably emigrated to Ireland from there and then on to the United States. I would like to be able to trace the family back further with any information you can give me.


Seeking information on my Blackwell family members living or once living, born or once born, in Ireland. Thank you.


My name is Kerry Richard Vaughan, son of Cyril Dovaston Vaughan (deceased), grandson of Charles Vaughan and Laura Harding. I live in Saskatchewan Canada and I am interested in finding out more about my family tree. Can anyone help?

Michelle Jones

my grandfather was a jones he said that his origin came from wales and ireland i dont know much about him but i know my great great grandparents are from ireland .

Eilir Wales101

Hi Michelle. To discover more about your grandfather's origins and those of his family, start by researching his early life - if you know around when and where he was born, then start by ordering his birth certificate. If he lived in the UK and was born prior to 1921, you can also search for him and his family on the censuses, which will confirm where he and his parents were born (if he lived in the US, then later censuses are available for consultation there). You can then move on to gather details on his parents' parents. If the censuses confirm his parents (or his parents' parents) were from Ireland, you can then move on to search for them on earlier records - such as the 1901 and 1911 Irish censuses - if they were living in ireland at the time - and for their marriage and birth records.

Eilir Wales101

To investigate your grandfather's origins, first of all, try tracing as much information about your him as you can. Start by obtaining his birth certificate - if he was born in Ireland, it can be ordered from the Irish General Register Office. Irish birth indexes are online on sites such as Ancestry. His birth record will establish his parents' identities, and you can then use this to trace information relating to them. Your grandfather or his parents may be on the 1901 or 1911 censuses, which will tell you where they were born. All this will form the foundation of your research, and as you move back in time you may be able to gather evidence which may or may not suggest Welsh origins. If your Jones ancestor was from Wales, then a *potential* theory could be that he served with a British army regiment that was stationed in Ireland during the 19th century, married a local girl, and then settled there.


Hello, I would like to know about my Dyer family in Ireland. My ggg grand father Joannem (John) Dyer born 13 June 1814 in Riverstown, Sligo, Ireland, Roman Catholic, he married Brigidam (Bridget) born 1819 ?. My gg grand father John W. Dyer born 1849.

Suzette Rogers

Hello - I am trying to locate where, when and a ship's name for how our 1st ancestor's arrival to the then English American colonies. Our first Rogers family member who traveled to the colonies was Matthew Rogers, Sr ( I think he was born abt 1714 or so). We have located an early land transaction between him and Lord Fairfax in Virginia dated June 10, 1749. Matthew purchased his land with coinage from Pennsylvania (William Penn Quakers). I am not sure if he was from Ireland or Wales but his son James was a Baptist Minister in 1785 Kentucky after the Revolutionary War. I think his father was William Rogers and his grandfather might be Jonathan Rogers. These assumptions are based on an article I located from an Irish Professor about ol

lorraine lee

Hi My fathers family were Lees from the Crumlin, Rathfarnaham areas in Dublin .I had two cousins call Terry(Terance) and Philip Lee they lived in Ballyfermot. Looking for any info Thanks

Anthony Barrett

(Part 1 of 3) The Davis name is found in the British Isles, but one of its origins according to DNA is from the north-west coast of the Emerald Island. One Davis story [dominated by DNA tribal marker R1b-L513, Subgroup A1] can trace their origins to the Finn Valley in Donegal, Ireland from 50 BCE. Perhaps the journey begins with the Clanna Dedad; Deda, son of Sen or Deda Mac Sin. This Davis surname origin is from a Northern Ui Neill [R1b-L513] tribe. The Cenél Eoghan and the tribes of Donegal conquered much of Ulster (Derry and Tyrone).

Anthony Barrett

(Part 2 of 3) Cenél Eoghan will expand across northern Ireland with their cousins Cenél Conaill and the Northern Ui Neill between 500-800 BCE. The clans of Finn Valley have the same DNA as people from Gwened in Brittany. But how could this be? Recent discoveries from DNA testing are unlocking the migration patterns of Celtic tribes as late as 800 CE to 1200 CE. The Davis story begins in pre-history Ireland then moves to Scotland as they form part of the Dalriada. Descendants of their tribe will then travel to Brittany, France during the Dark Ages.

Anthony Barrett

(Part 3 of 3) Discover their newly found untold story and how forgotten texts bring their story back to life. From the ebook, “The Tribe Within” learn how DNA unfolds this amazing tale and if you look in the right places, how history narrates this evidence. There is another written account of their story, but it is camouflaged in smoke and myth – it will become the tales of King Arthur. Come follow in the footsteps of Deda Mac Sin and visit https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/401207

Anthony Barrett

(Part 1 of 3) The Leonard name has a long history in the British Isles, but now DNA and some recorded history says one of its origins is from the north-west region of the Emerald Island. This Leonard story [dominated by DNA tribal marker R1b-L513, Subgroup D2] can trace their beginnings to the Finn Valley in Donegal, Ireland from 50 BCE. Perhaps the journey begins with the Clanna Dedad; Deda, son of Sen or Deda Mac Sin. This Leonard surname origin is from the Cenél Conaill [R1b-L513, Subgroup D] who found the Dál Fiatach.

Anthony Barrett

(Part 2 of 3) A group will also found the Kingdom of Ercing in Wales as trade with Romans will become essential around 300 CE. But how could this be? Recent discoveries from DNA testing are unlocking the migration patterns of Celtic tribes as late as 800 CE to 1200 CE. The Leonard story begins in pre-history Ireland but this line and many of his kin will move to Wales, then travel to Brittany, France during the Dark Ages.

Anthony Barrett

(Part 3 of 3) Discover their newly found untold story and how forgotten texts bring their story back to life. From the ebook, “The Tribe Within” learn how DNA unfolds this amazing tale and if you look in the right places, how history narrates this evidence. There is another written account of their story, but it is camouflaged in smoke and myth – it will become the tales of King Arthur. Come follow in the footsteps of Deda Mac Sin and visit https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/401207

Anthony Barrett

(Part 1 of 3) The Edwards name has a long history in British Isles, but now DNA and some recorded history says their origin is from the Emerald Island. The Edwards story [dominated by DNA tribal marker R1b-L513, Subgroup B2] can trace their origins to the Finn Valley in Donegal, Ireland from 50 BCE. Perhaps the journey begins with the Clanna Dedad; Deda, son of Sen or Deda Mac Sin. The Edwards surname origin is from Clan Domnaill [DNA Tribe R1b-L513, Subgroup B1] and relations who remain in Ireland take the modern surname (O’)Donnelly, McDonald and Donohue in Ireland.

Anthony Barrett

(Part 2 of 3) According to research, the Domnaill name is also found in Brittany, France. It is a very old name which appears in the 5th century Roman inscriptions as Dumnovellaunos in Brittany meaning “Deep Valour” equivalent to Irish Domhnaill. But how could this be? Recent discoveries from DNA testing are unlocking the migration patterns of Celtic tribes as late as 800 CE to 1200 CE. The Edwards story begins in pre-history Ireland then moves to Wales where the family can be traced back to their Welsh tribe Cydifor Fawr. An ancestor and many of his kin will then move to Brittany, France during the Dark Ages.

Anthony Barrett

(Part 3 of 3) Discover their newly found untold story and how forgotten texts bring their story back to life. From the ebook, “The Tribe Within” learn how DNA unfolds this amazing tale and if you look in the right places, how history narrates this evidence. There is another written account of their story, but it is camouflaged in smoke and myth – it will become the tales of King Arthur. Come follow in the footsteps of Deda Mac Sin and visit https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/401207

Anthony Barrett

(Part 1 of 3) The Evans name has a long history in British Isles, but now DNA and some recorded history says their origin is from the Emerald Island. The Evans story [dominated by DNA tribal marker R1b-L513, Subgroup B2] can trace their origins to the Finn Valley in Donegal, Ireland from 50 BCE. Perhaps the journey begins with the Clanna Dedad; Deda, son of Sen or Deda Mac Sin. The Evans surname origin is from Clan Domnaill [DNA Tribe R1b-L513, Subgroup B1] and relations who remain in Ireland take the modern surname (O’)Donnelly, McDonald and Donohue in Ireland.

Anthony Barrett

(Part 2 of 3) According to research, the Domnaill name is also found in Brittany, France. It is a very old name which appears in the 5th century Roman inscriptions as Dumnovellaunos in Brittany meaning “Deep Valour” equivalent to Irish Domhnaill. But how could this be? Recent discoveries from DNA testing are unlocking the migration patterns of Celtic tribes as late as 800 CE to 1200 CE. The Evans story begins in pre-history Ireland then moves to Wales where the family can be traced back to their Welsh tribe Cydifor Fawr. An ancestor and many of his kin will then move to Brittany, France during the Dark Ages.

Anthony Barrett

(Part 3 of 3) Discover their newly found untold story and how forgotten texts bring their story back to life. From the ebook, “The Tribe Within” learn how DNA unfolds this amazing tale and if you look in the right places, how history narrates this evidence. There is another written account of their story, but it is camouflaged in smoke and myth – it will become the tales of King Arthur. Come follow in the footsteps of Deda Mac Sin and visit https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/401207

Anthony Barrett

(Part 1 of 3) The Hughes name has a long history in Ireland and now DNA and some recorded history to the north-western area of the Emerald Island. The Hughes story [dominated by DNA tribal marker R1b-L513, Subgroup B1] can trace their origins to the Finn Valley in Donegal, Ireland from 50 BCE. Perhaps the journey begins with the Clanna Dedad; Deda, son of Sen or Deda Mac Sin. The Hughes surname origin is from Clan Domnaill [DNA Tribe R1b-L513, Subgroup B1] and relations who remain in Ireland take the modern surname (O)’Donnelly, McDonald, Donohue, and O’Donoghue in Ireland.

Anthony Barrett

(Part 2 of 3) According to research, the Domnaill name is also found in Brittany, France. It is a very old name which appears in the 5th century Roman inscriptions as Dumnovellaunos in Brittany meaning “Deep Valour” equivalent to Irish Domhnaill. But how could this be? Recent discoveries from DNA testing are unlocking the migration patterns of Celtic tribes as late as 800 CE to 1200 CE. The Hughes story begins in pre-history Ireland but relatives will then move to Wales where the family can be traced back to their Welsh tribe Cydifor Fawr. A descendant and many of his kin will then move to Brittany, France during the Dark Ages.

Anthony Barrett

(Part 3 of 3) Discover their newly found untold story and how forgotten texts bring their story back to life. From the ebook, “The Tribe Within” learn how DNA unfolds this amazing tale and if you look in the right places, how history narrates this evidence. There is another written account of their story, but it is camouflaged in smoke and myth – it will become the tales of King Arthur. Come follow in the footsteps of Deda Mac Sin and visit https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/401207

Anthony Barrett

(Part 1 of 3) The James name has a long history in British Isles, but now DNA and some recorded history says their origin is from the Emerald Island. The James story [dominated by DNA tribal marker R1b-L513, Subgroup B2] can trace their origins to the Finn Valley in Donegal, Ireland from 50 BCE. Perhaps the journey begins with the Clanna Dedad; Deda, son of Sen or Deda Mac Sin. The James surname origin is from Clan Domnaill [DNA Tribe R1b-L513, Subgroup B1] and relations who remain in Ireland take the modern surname (O’)Donnelly, McDonald and Donohue in Ireland.

Anthony Barrett

(Part 2 of 3) According to research, the Domnaill name is also found in Brittany, France. It is a very old name which appears in the 5th century Roman inscriptions as Dumnovellaunos in Brittany meaning “Deep Valour” equivalent to Irish Domhnaill. But how could this be? Recent discoveries from DNA testing are unlocking the migration patterns of Celtic tribes as late as 800 CE to 1200 CE. The James story begins in pre-history Ireland then moves to Wales where the family can be traced back to their Welsh tribe Cydifor Fawr. An ancestor and many of his kin will then move to Brittany, France during the Dark Ages.

Anthony Barrett

(Part 3 of 3) Discover their newly found untold story and how forgotten texts bring their story back to life. From the ebook, “The Tribe Within” learn how DNA unfolds this amazing tale and if you look in the right places, how history narrates this evidence. There is another written account of their story, but it is camouflaged in smoke and myth – it will become the tales of King Arthur. Come follow in the footsteps of Deda Mac Sin and visit https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/401207

Anthony Barrett

(Part 3 of 3) Discover their newly found untold story and how forgotten texts bring their story back to life. From the ebook, “The Tribe Within” learn how DNA unfolds this amazing tale and if you look in the right places, how history narrates this evidence. There is another written account of their story, but it is camouflaged in smoke and myth – it will become the tales of King Arthur. Come follow in the footsteps of Deda Mac Sin and visit https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/401207

Anthony Barrett

(Part 1 of 3) The Jenkins name has a long history in British Isles, but now DNA and some recorded history says their origin is from the Emerald Island. The Jenkins story [dominated by DNA tribal marker R1b-L513, Subgroup B2] can trace their origins to the Finn Valley in Donegal, Ireland from 50 BCE. Perhaps the journey begins with the Clanna Dedad; Deda, son of Sen or Deda Mac Sin. The Jenkins surname origin is from Clan Domnaill [DNA Tribe R1b-L513, Subgroup B1] and relations who remain in Ireland take the modern surname (O’)Donnelly, McDonald and Donohue in Ireland.

Anthony Barrett

(Part 2 of 3) According to research, the Domnaill name is also found in Brittany, France. It is a very old name which appears in the 5th century Roman inscriptions as Dumnovellaunos in Brittany meaning “Deep Valour” equivalent to Irish Domhnaill. But how could this be? Recent discoveries from DNA testing are unlocking the migration patterns of Celtic tribes as late as 800 CE to 1200 CE. The Jenkins story begins in pre-history Ireland then moves to Wales where the family can be traced back to their Welsh tribe Cydifor Fawr. Many of his kin will then move to Brittany, France during the Dark Ages.

Anthony Barrett

(Part 3 of 3) Discover their newly found untold story and how forgotten texts bring their story back to life. From the ebook, “The Tribe Within” learn how DNA unfolds this amazing tale and if you look in the right places, how history narrates this evidence. There is another written account of their story, but it is camouflaged in smoke and myth – it will become the tales of King Arthur. Come follow in the footsteps of Deda Mac Sin and visit https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/401207

Jeff Jenkins

Wow Anthony Barrett, very interesting post. I would love to purchase this eBook. I was very curious if Jenkins DNA descended from Briton Celts, Romans, Anglo-Saxons, Flemish, Vikings, Normans or whom? Now this opens other possibilities of migration from Ireland into SW Wales after the Roman occupation. Very good! Thanks

Anthony Barrett

(Part 1 of 3) The Jones name has a long history in British Isles, but now DNA and some recorded history says their origin is from the Emerald Island. The Jones story [dominated by DNA tribal marker R1b-L513, Subgroup B2] can trace their origins to the Finn Valley in Donegal, Ireland from 50 BCE. Perhaps the journey begins with the Clanna Dedad; Deda, son of Sen or Deda Mac Sin. The Jones surname origin is from Clan Domnaill [DNA Tribe R1b-L513, Subgroup B1] and relations who remain in Ireland take the modern surname (O’)Donnelly, McDonald and Donohue in Ireland.

Anthony Barrett

(Part 2 of 3) According to research, the Domnaill name is also found in Brittany, France. It is a very old name which appears in the 5th century Roman inscriptions as Dumnovellaunos in Brittany meaning “Deep Valour” equivalent to Irish Domhnaill. But how could this be? Recent discoveries from DNA testing are unlocking the migration patterns of Celtic tribes as late as 800 CE to 1200 CE. The Jones story begins in pre-history Ireland then moves to Wales where the family can be traced back to their Welsh tribe Cydifor Fawr. An ancestor and many of his kin will then move to Brittany, France during the Dark Ages.

Anthony Barrett

(Part 3 of 3) Discover their newly found untold story and how forgotten texts bring their story back to life. From the ebook, “The Tribe Within” learn how DNA unfolds this amazing tale and if you look in the right places, how history narrates this evidence. There is another written account of their story, but it is camouflaged in smoke and myth – it will become the tales of King Arthur. Come follow in the footsteps of Deda Mac Sin and visit https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/401207

Anthony Barrett

(Part 1 of 3) The Stephens name has a long history in British Isles, but now DNA and some recorded history says their origin is from the Emerald Island. The Stephens story [dominated by DNA tribal marker R1b-L513, Subgroup B2] can trace their origins to the Finn Valley in Donegal, Ireland from 50 BCE. Perhaps the journey begins with the Clanna Dedad; Deda, son of Sen or Deda Mac Sin. The Stephens surname origin is from Clan Domnaill [DNA Tribe R1b-L513, Subgroup B1] and relations who remain in Ireland take the modern surname (O’)Donnelly, McDonald and Donohue in Ireland.

Anthony Barrett

(Part 2 of 3) According to research, the Domnaill name is also found in Brittany, France. It is a very old name which appears in the 5th century Roman inscriptions as Dumnovellaunos in Brittany meaning “Deep Valour” equivalent to Irish Domhnaill. But how could this be? Recent discoveries from DNA testing are unlocking the migration patterns of Celtic tribes as late as 800 CE to 1200 CE. The Stephens story begins in pre-history Ireland then moves to Wales where the family can be traced back to their Welsh tribe Cydifor Fawr. An ancestor and many of his kin will then move to Brittany, France during the Dark Ages.

Anthony Barrett

(Part 3 of 3) Discover their newly found untold story and how forgotten texts bring their story back to life. From the ebook, “The Tribe Within” learn how DNA unfolds this amazing tale and if you look in the right places, how history narrates this evidence. There is another written account of their story, but it is camouflaged in smoke and myth – it will become the tales of King Arthur. Come follow in the footsteps of Deda Mac Sin and visit https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/401207

Anthony Barrett

(Part 1 of 3) The Rogers name has a long history in Wales, but now DNA and some recorded history says their origin is from the Emerald Island. The Rogers story [dominated by DNA tribal marker R1b-L513, Subgroup B2] can trace their origins to the Finn Valley in Donegal, Ireland from 50 BCE. Perhaps the journey begins with the Clanna Dedad; Deda, son of Sen or Deda Mac Sin. The Rogers surname origin is from Clan Domnaill [DNA Tribe R1b-L513, Subgroup B1] and relations who remain in Ireland take the modern surname (O’)Donnelly, McDonald and Donohue in Ireland.

Anthony Barrett

(Part 2 of 3) According to research, the Domnaill name is also found in Brittany, France. It is a very old name which appears in the 5th century Roman inscriptions as Dumnovellaunos in Brittany meaning “Deep Valour” equivalent to Irish Domhnaill. But how could this be? Recent discoveries from DNA testing are unlocking the migration patterns of Celtic tribes as late as 800 CE to 1200 CE. The Rogers story begins in pre-history Ireland then moves to Wales where the family can be traced back to their Welsh tribe Cydifor Fawr. Many of his kin will then move to Brittany, France during the Dark Ages.

Anthony Barrett

(Part 3 of 3) Discover their newly found untold story and how forgotten texts bring their story back to life. From the ebook, “The Tribe Within” learn how DNA unfolds this amazing tale and if you look in the right places, how history narrates this evidence. There is another written account of their story, but it is camouflaged in smoke and myth – it will become the tales of King Arthur. Come follow in the footsteps of Deda Mac Sin and visit https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/401207

Anthony Barrett

(Part 1 of 3) The Roberts name has a long history in Wales, but now DNA and some recorded history says their origin is from the Emerald Island. The Roberts story [dominated by DNA tribal marker R1b-L513, Subgroup B2] can trace their origins to the Finn Valley in Donegal, Ireland from 50 BCE. Perhaps the journey begins with the Clanna Dedad; Deda, son of Sen or Deda Mac Sin. The Roberts surname origin is from Clan Domnaill [DNA Tribe R1b-L513, Subgroup B1] and relations who remain in Ireland take the modern surname (O’)Donnelly, McDonald and Donohue in Ireland.

Anthony Barrett

(Part 2 of 3) According to research, the Domnaill name is also found in Brittany, France. It is a very old name which appears in the 5th century Roman inscriptions as Dumnovellaunos in Brittany meaning “Deep Valour” equivalent to Irish Domhnaill. But how could this be? Recent discoveries from DNA testing are unlocking the migration patterns of Celtic tribes as late as 800 CE to 1200 CE. The Roberts story begins in pre-history Ireland then moves to Wales where the family can be traced back to their Welsh tribe Cydifor Fawr. Many of his kin will then move to Brittany, France during the Dark Ages.

Anthony Barrett

(Part 3 of 3) Discover their newly found untold story and how forgotten texts bring their story back to life. From the ebook, “The Tribe Within” learn how DNA unfolds this amazing tale and if you look in the right places, how history narrates this evidence. There is another written account of their story, but it is camouflaged in smoke and myth – it will become the tales of King Arthur. Come follow in the footsteps of Deda Mac Sin and visit https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/401207

Anthony Barrett

(Part 1 of 3) The Rice name has a long history in Wales, but now DNA and some recorded history says their origin is from the Emerald Island. The Rice story [dominated by DNA tribal marker R1b-L513, Subgroup B2] can trace their origins to the Finn Valley in Donegal, Ireland from 50 BCE. Perhaps the journey begins with the Clanna Dedad; Deda, son of Sen or Deda Mac Sin. The Rice surname origin is from Clan Domnaill [DNA Tribe R1b-L513, Subgroup B1] and relations who remain in Ireland take the modern surname (O’)Donnelly, McDonald and Donohue in Ireland.

Anthony Barrett

(Part 2 of 3) According to research, the Domnaill name is also found in Brittany, France. It is a very old name which appears in the 5th century Roman inscriptions as Dumnovellaunos in Brittany meaning “Deep Valour” equivalent to Irish Domhnaill. But how could this be? Recent discoveries from DNA testing are unlocking the migration patterns of Celtic tribes as late as 800 CE to 1200 CE. The Rice story begins in pre-history Ireland then moves to Wales where the family can be traced back to their Welsh tribe Cydifor Fawr. Many of his kin will then move to Brittany, France during the Dark Ages.

Anthony Barrett

(Part 3 of 3) Discover their newly found untold story and how forgotten texts bring their story back to life. From the ebook, “The Tribe Within” learn how DNA unfolds this amazing tale and if you look in the right places, how history narrates this evidence. There is another written account of their story, but it is camouflaged in smoke and myth – it will become the tales of King Arthur. Come follow in the footsteps of Deda Mac Sin and visit https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/401207

Anthony Barrett

(Part 1 of 3) The Powell name has a long history in Wales, but now DNA and some recorded history says their origin is from the Emerald Island. The Powell story [dominated by DNA tribal marker R1b-L513, Subgroup B2] can trace their origins to the Finn Valley in Donegal, Ireland from 50 BCE. Perhaps the journey begins with the Clanna Dedad; Deda, son of Sen or Deda Mac Sin. The Powell surname origin is from Clan Domnaill [DNA Tribe R1b-L513, Subgroup B1] and relations who remain in Ireland take the modern surname (O’)Donnelly, McDonald and Donohue in Ireland.

Anthony Barrett

(Part 2 of 3) According to research, the Domnaill name is also found in Brittany, France. It is a very old name which appears in the 5th century Roman inscriptions as Dumnovellaunos in Brittany meaning “Deep Valour” equivalent to Irish Domhnaill. But how could this be? Recent discoveries from DNA testing are unlocking the migration patterns of Celtic tribes as late as 800 CE to 1200 CE. The Powell story begins in pre-history Ireland then moves to Wales where the family can be traced back to their Welsh tribe Cydifor Fawr. Many of his kin will then move to Brittany, France during the Dark Ages.

Anthony Barrett

(Part 3 of 3) Discover their newly found untold story and how forgotten texts bring their story back to life. From the ebook, “The Tribe Within” learn how DNA unfolds this amazing tale and if you look in the right places, how history narrates this evidence. There is another written account of their story, but it is camouflaged in smoke and myth – it will become the tales of King Arthur. Come follow in the footsteps of Deda Mac Sin and visit https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/401207

Anthony Barrett

(Part 1 of 3) The Pritchard name has a long history in Wales, but now DNA and some recorded history says its origin is from the north-west region of the Emerald Island. The Pritchard story [dominated by DNA tribal marker R1b-L513, Subgroup FA] can trace their beginnings to the Finn Valley in Donegal, Ireland from 50 BCE. Perhaps the journey begins with the Clanna Dedad; Deda, son of Sen or Deda Mac Sin. The Pritchard surname origin is possibly from the Dáirine [R1b-L513] who found the Kingdom of Brycheiniog, Wales around 300 CE.

Anthony Barrett

(Part 2 of 3) According to research, the Kingdom of Brycheiniog will take part in an invasion of Brittany, France around 500 CE. But how could this be? Recent discoveries from DNA testing are unlocking the migration patterns of Celtic tribes as late as 800 CE to 1200 CE. The Pritchard story begins in pre-history Ireland but this descendant will then move to Wales where the family can be traced back to their Welsh tribe Cydifor Fawr. A relative and many of his kin will then travel to Brittany, France during the Dark Ages.

Anthony Barrett

(Part 3 of 3) Discover their newly found untold story and how forgotten texts bring their story back to life. From the ebook, “The Tribe Within” learn how DNA unfolds this amazing tale and if you look in the right places, how history narrates this evidence. There is another written account of their story, but it is camouflaged in smoke and myth – it will become the tales of King Arthur. Come follow in the footsteps of Deda Mac Sin and visit https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/401207

Anthony Barrett

(Part 1 of 3) The Edwards name has a long history in the British Isles, but now DNA and some recorded history says its origin is from the north-west region of the Emerald Island. The Edwards story [dominated by DNA tribal marker R1b-L513, Subgroup C1] can trace their beginnings to the Finn Valley in Donegal, Ireland from 50 BCE. Perhaps the journey begins with the Clanna Dedad; Deda, son of Sen or Deda Mac Sin. The Edwards surname origin is possibly from the Dáirine [R1b-L513] who found the Kingdom of Brycheiniog, Wales around 300 CE.

Anthony Barrett

(Part 2 of 3) According to research, the Kingdom of Brycheiniog will take part in an invasion of Brittany, France around 500 CE. But how could this be? Recent discoveries from DNA testing are unlocking the migration patterns of Celtic tribes as late as 800 CE to 1200 CE. The Edwards story begins in pre-history Ireland but this descendant will then move to Wales where the family can be traced back to their Welsh tribe Cydifor Fawr. This line and many of his kin will then travel to Brittany, France during the Dark Ages.

Anthony Barrett

(Part 3 of 3) Discover their newly found untold story and how forgotten texts bring their story back to life. From the ebook, “The Tribe Within” learn how DNA unfolds this amazing tale and if you look in the right places, how history narrates this evidence. There is another written account of their story, but it is camouflaged in smoke and myth – it will become the tales of King Arthur. Come follow in the footsteps of Deda Mac Sin and visit https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/401207

Anthony Barrett

The Jenkins name has a long history in Wales, but now DNA and some recorded history says their origin is from the Emerald Island. The Jenkins story [dominated by DNA tribal marker R1b-L513, Subgroup B2] can trace their origins to the Finn Valley in Donegal, Ireland from 50 BCE. Perhaps the journey begins with the Clanna Dedad; Deda, son of Sen or Deda Mac Sin. The Jenkins surname origin is from Clan Domnaill [DNA Tribe R1b-L513, Subgroup B1] and relations who remain in Ireland take the modern surname (O’)Donnelly, McDonald and Donohue in Ireland. The Domnaill name is also found in Brittany, France according to research from the Centre de Recherche Bretonne et Celtique. It is a very old name which appears in the 5th century Roman inscr

Anthony Barrett

The Jones name has a long history in Wales, but now DNA and some recorded history says their origin is from the Emerald Island. The Jones story [dominated by DNA tribal marker R1b-L513, Subgroup B2] can trace their origins to the Finn Valley in Donegal, Ireland from 50 BCE. Perhaps the journey begins with the Clanna Dedad; Deda, son of Sen or Deda Mac Sin. The Jones surname origin is from Clan Domnaill [DNA Tribe R1b-L513, Subgroup B1] and relations who remain in Ireland take the modern surname (O’)Donnelly, McDonald and Donohue in Ireland. The Domnaill name is also found in Brittany, France according to research from the Centre de Recherche Bretonne et Celtique. It is a very old name which appears in the 5th century Roman inscription

Anthony Barrett

The Lewis name has a long history in Wales, but now DNA and some recorded history says their origin is from the Emerald Island. The Lewis story [dominated by DNA tribal marker R1b-L513, Subgroup B2] can trace their origins to the Finn Valley in Donegal, Ireland from 50 BCE. Perhaps the journey begins with the Clanna Dedad; Deda, son of Sen or Deda Mac Sin. The Lewis surname origin is from Clan Domnaill [DNA Tribe R1b-L513, Subgroup B1] and relations who remain in Ireland take the modern surname (O’)Donnelly, McDonald and Donohue in Ireland. The Domnaill name is also found in Brittany, France according to research from the Centre de Recherche Bretonne et Celtique. It is a very old name which appears in the 5th century Roman inscription

Anthony Barrett

The Morgan name has a long history in Wales, but now DNA and some recorded history says their origin is from the Emerald Island. The Morgan story [dominated by DNA tribal marker R1b-L513, Subgroup B2] can trace their origins to the Finn Valley in Donegal, Ireland from 50 BCE. Perhaps the journey begins with the Clanna Dedad; Deda, son of Sen or Deda Mac Sin. The Morgan surname origin is from Clan Domnaill [DNA Tribe R1b-L513, Subgroup B1] and relations who remain in Ireland take the modern surname (O’)Donnelly, McDonald and Donohue in Ireland. The Domnaill name is also found in Brittany, France according to research from the Centre de Recherche Bretonne et Celtique. It is a very old name which appears in the 5th century Roman inscript

Anthony Barrett

The Morris name has a long history in Wales, but now DNA and some recorded history says their origin is from the Emerald Island. The Morris story [dominated by DNA tribal marker R1b-L513, Subgroup B2] can trace their origins to the Finn Valley in Donegal, Ireland from 50 BCE. Perhaps the journey begins with the Clanna Dedad; Deda, son of Sen or Deda Mac Sin. The Morris surname origin is from Clan Domnaill [DNA Tribe R1b-L513, Subgroup B1] and relations who remain in Ireland take the modern surname (O’)Donnelly, McDonald and Donohue in Ireland. The Domnaill name is also found in Brittany, France according to research from the Centre de Recherche Bretonne et Celtique. It is a very old name which appears in the 5th century Roman inscript

Anthony Barrett

The Phillips name has a long history in Wales, but now DNA and some recorded history says otherwise. DNA tells us the origin of Phillips is from Ireland. The Phillips story [dominated by DNA tribal marker R1b-L513, Subgroup B2] can trace their origins to the Finn Valley in Donegal, Ireland from 50 BCE. Perhaps the journey begins with the Clanna Dedad; Deda, son of Sen or Deda Mac Sin. The Philips surname origin is from Clan Domnaill [DNA Tribe R1b-L513, Subgroup B1] and relations who remain in Ireland take the modern surname (O’)Donnelly, McDonald and Donohue in Ireland. The Domnaill name is also found in Brittany, France according to research from the Centre de Recherche Bretonne et Celtique. It is a very old name which appears in t

Anthony Barrett

The Williams name has a long history in Wales, but now DNA and some recorded history says their origin is from the Emerald Island. The Williams story [dominated by DNA tribal marker R1b-L513, Subgroup B2] can trace their origins to the Finn Valley in Donegal, Ireland from 50 BCE. Perhaps the journey begins with the Clanna Dedad; Deda, son of Sen or Deda Mac Sin. The Williams surname origin is from Clan Domnaill [DNA Tribe R1b-L513, Subgroup B1] and relations who remain in Ireland take the modern surname (O’)Donnelly, McDonald and Donohue in Ireland. The Domnaill name is also found in Brittany, France according to research from the Centre de Recherche Bretonne et Celtique. It is a very old name which appears in the 5th century Roman in


Looking for ancestors and current Conways living in Co Clare. My Conway family tree goes back as far as John and Catherine Murphy Conway born about 1812 in Miltown Malbay and had a son Patrick born 1832. Patrick married Bridget Hinchey in England and they had a son Martin who was born 1855 just before they came to the U.S. They settled in Wisconsin Wood Co. and raised 12 children. Martin is my great grandfather.

Bob Conway

My great grandfather was Patrick Conway, born in Kilkenny in 1855.  Emigrated to Janesville in Rock County WI in the US and married Bridget Griffin who was born in New Jersey.  They had sons Martin and Charles and a daughter, Florence.


Looking for information about my great great grandfathers family. His name was James J Lee ans he was born in Galway, Ireland in November of 1863. Came to the U.S. and lived in New York State, Monroe county.


i was told that my family crest was a snake wraped around a sword


Joseph Conway age 53 DOB 10 04 59 born Salford England Sarah Conway mother DOB 27 11 38 born Tullamore Co. Offlay Daniel Conway Mary Conway Nee Bohan grandparents NO DOB


Hi, I am from the Buffalo New York area. I am looking for the Lee line. I have Michael Lee born in 1859 in Buffalo. His father was Thomas Lee. His mother was Katherine Howes. They came down from Canada, I believe his mother may have been born there. they lived in Ohio before settling in Buffalo.

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