Global Welsh
Tribal Challenge

Leading Tribes of Wales

Rank Tribe County Province Score Members
1st Brindley Monmouthshire Wales (East) 7,450 7
2nd Jones Bridgend Wales (South) 6,050 1
3rd Jones Gwynedd Wales (West) 4,860 3
4th Pellow Vale of Glamorgan Wales (South) 4,450 3
5th Ellis Gwynedd Wales (West) 4,390 1
6th Jones Ceredigion Wales (West) 3,900 1
7th Daniels Carmarthenshire Wales (South) 3,510 2
8th Lewis Neath Port Talbot Wales (South) 2,870 1
9th Ford Merthyr Tydfil Wales (South) 2,730 3
10th Owen Carmarthenshire Wales (South) 2,150 1
11th Ashton Bridgend Wales (South) 1,670 1
12th Kinsey Powys Wales (East) 1,650 2
13th Rees Powys Wales (East) 1,550 1
14th Bell Monmouthshire Wales (East) 1,400 1
15th Daniel Ceredigion Wales (West) 1,280 1
16th Kealy Flintshire Wales (East) 1,270 2
17th Jones Isle of Anglesey Wales (North) 1,220 2
18th Byrt Rhondda Cynon Taff Wales (South) 1,010 1
19th Cox Conwy Wales (North) 990 1
20th Hillyard Vale of Glamorgan Wales (South) 970 1
21st Jarman Carmarthenshire Wales (South) 840 1
22nd Dyer Swansea Wales (South) 810 1
23rd Holland Ceredigion Wales (West) 730 1
24th Morris Swansea Wales (South) 710 1
25th Jones Carmarthenshire Wales (South) 600 2
26th Morgan Rhondda Cynon Taff Wales (South) 590 1
27th Lane Monmouthshire Wales (East) 540 1
28th Williams Blaenau Gwent Wales (South) 520 1
29th Parry Denbighshire Wales (North) 470 1
30th Walters Bridgend Wales (South) 420 1
31st Lago fernandez Pembrokeshire Wales (West) 390 1
32nd Griffiths Carmarthenshire Wales (South) 350 1
33rd Stevens Rhondda Cynon Taff Wales (South) 350 1
34th Hannington Cardiff Wales (South) 340 1
35th Morgan Gwynedd Wales (West) 330 1
36th Ellis Wrexham Wales (East) 330 1
37th Foot Monmouthshire Wales (East) 330 1
38th Davies Ceredigion Wales (West) 310 1
39th Price Powys Wales (East) 300 1
40th Sharples Monmouthshire Wales (East) 300 1
41st Warren Bridgend Wales (South) 290 1
42nd Wilkins Carmarthenshire Wales (South) 290 1
43rd Everson Vale of Glamorgan Wales (South) 290 1
44th Mayne Caerphilly Wales (South) 280 1
45th Shaw Blaenau Gwent Wales (South) 280 1
46th Vaughan Carmarthenshire Wales (South) 270 1
47th Evans Gwynedd Wales (West) 260 2
48th Morris Pembrokeshire Wales (West) 260 1
49th Davies Swansea Wales (South) 260 1
50th Selkirk Caerphilly Wales (South) 250 1
51st Benjamin Neath Port Talbot Wales (South) 250 1
52nd Peters Carmarthenshire Wales (South) 250 1
53rd James Carmarthenshire Wales (South) 250 1
54th Read Caerphilly Wales (South) 240 1
55th Miles Powys Wales (East) 230 1
56th Watts Cardiff Wales (South) 230 1
57th Griffiths Caerphilly Wales (South) 220 1
58th Preece Merthyr Tydfil Wales (South) 210 1
59th Rhiannon Rhondda Cynon Taff Wales (South) 210 1
60th Stephens Caerphilly Wales (South) 210 1
61st Davies Rhondda Cynon Taff Wales (South) 210 1
62nd Owens Powys Wales (East) 200 1
63rd George Swansea Wales (South) 200 1
64th Kennedy Gwynedd Wales (West) 180 1
65th Stephens Torfaen Wales (South) 160 1
66th Humphreys Wrexham Wales (East) 150 1
67th Griffith Merthyr Tydfil Wales (South) 140 1
68th Lloyd Vale of Glamorgan Wales (South) 130 1
69th Freeman Neath Port Talbot Wales (South) 130 1
70th Davis Gwynedd Wales (West) 120 1
71st Davison Wrexham Wales (East) 60 1
72nd Taylor Monmouthshire Wales (East) 40 1
73rd Stone Cardiff Wales (South) 30 1

Leading Players of Wales

Rank Tribe County Province Score
1st Jones Bridgend Wales (South) 6,050
2nd Jones Gwynedd Wales (West) 4,590
3rd Ellis Gwynedd Wales (West) 4,390
4th Jones Ceredigion Wales (West) 3,900
5th Daniels Carmarthenshire Wales (South) 3,270
6th Lewis Neath Port Talbot Wales (South) 2,870
7th Brindley Monmouthshire Wales (East) 2,600
8th Owen Carmarthenshire Wales (South) 2,150
9th Brindley Monmouthshire Wales (East) 1,960
10th Ford Merthyr Tydfil Wales (South) 1,940
11th Pellow Vale of Glamorgan Wales (South) 1,780
12th Ashton Bridgend Wales (South) 1,670
13th Rees Powys Wales (East) 1,550
14th Bell Monmouthshire Wales (East) 1,400
15th Pellow Vale of Glamorgan Wales (South) 1,370
16th Pellow Vale of Glamorgan Wales (South) 1,300
17th Daniel Ceredigion Wales (West) 1,280
18th Brindley Monmouthshire Wales (East) 1,180
19th Kinsey Powys Wales (East) 1,150
20th Jones Isle of Anglesey Wales (North) 1,130
21st Kealy Flintshire Wales (East) 1,080
22nd Byrt Rhondda Cynon Taff Wales (South) 1,010
23rd Cox Conwy Wales (North) 990
24th Hillyard Vale of Glamorgan Wales (South) 970
25th Jarman Carmarthenshire Wales (South) 840
26th Dyer Swansea Wales (South) 810
27th Holland Ceredigion Wales (West) 730
28th Morris Swansea Wales (South) 710
29th Brindley Monmouthshire Wales (East) 670
30th Ford Merthyr Tydfil Wales (South) 630
31st Morgan Rhondda Cynon Taff Wales (South) 590
32nd Lane Monmouthshire Wales (East) 540
33rd Williams Blaenau Gwent Wales (South) 520
34th Kinsey Powys Wales (East) 500
35th Parry Denbighshire Wales (North) 470
36th Brindley Monmouthshire Wales (East) 430
37th Brindley Monmouthshire Wales (East) 420
38th Walters Bridgend Wales (South) 420
39th Lago fernandez Pembrokeshire Wales (West) 390
40th Stevens Rhondda Cynon Taff Wales (South) 350
41st Griffiths Carmarthenshire Wales (South) 350
42nd Hannington Cardiff Wales (South) 340
43rd Foot Monmouthshire Wales (East) 330
44th Ellis Wrexham Wales (East) 330
45th Morgan Gwynedd Wales (West) 330
46th Davies Ceredigion Wales (West) 310
47th Price Powys Wales (East) 300
48th Sharples Monmouthshire Wales (East) 300
49th Jones Carmarthenshire Wales (South) 300
50th Jones Carmarthenshire Wales (South) 300
51st Warren Bridgend Wales (South) 290
52nd Wilkins Carmarthenshire Wales (South) 290
53rd Everson Vale of Glamorgan Wales (South) 290
54th Shaw Blaenau Gwent Wales (South) 280
55th Mayne Caerphilly Wales (South) 280
56th Vaughan Carmarthenshire Wales (South) 270
57th Davies Swansea Wales (South) 260
58th Morris Pembrokeshire Wales (West) 260
59th Peters Carmarthenshire Wales (South) 250
60th Benjamin Neath Port Talbot Wales (South) 250
61st Selkirk Caerphilly Wales (South) 250
62nd James Carmarthenshire Wales (South) 250
63rd Daniels Carmarthenshire Wales (South) 240
64th Read Caerphilly Wales (South) 240
65th Watts Cardiff Wales (South) 230
66th Miles Powys Wales (East) 230
67th Griffiths Caerphilly Wales (South) 220
68th Stephens Caerphilly Wales (South) 210
69th Preece Merthyr Tydfil Wales (South) 210
70th Davies Rhondda Cynon Taff Wales (South) 210
71st Rhiannon Rhondda Cynon Taff Wales (South) 210
72nd Owens Powys Wales (East) 200
73rd George Swansea Wales (South) 200
74th Brindley Monmouthshire Wales (East) 190
75th Kealy Flintshire Wales (East) 190
76th Kennedy Gwynedd Wales (West) 180
77th Jones Gwynedd Wales (West) 180
78th Evans Gwynedd Wales (West) 170
79th Ford Merthyr Tydfil Wales (South) 160
80th Stephens Torfaen Wales (South) 160
81st Humphreys Wrexham Wales (East) 150
82nd Griffith Merthyr Tydfil Wales (South) 140
83rd Lloyd Vale of Glamorgan Wales (South) 130
84th Freeman Neath Port Talbot Wales (South) 130
85th Davis Gwynedd Wales (West) 120
86th Jones Isle of Anglesey Wales (North) 90
87th Jones Gwynedd Wales (West) 90
88th Evans Gwynedd Wales (West) 90
89th Davison Wrexham Wales (East) 60
90th Taylor Monmouthshire Wales (East) 40
91st Stone Cardiff Wales (South) 30

Top Movers of Wales

Rank Tribe County Province Score Members